PART 291 - Form 291 Statement of Operations Report



RECORD DESCRIPTION: 291 - Statement of Operations Report for Section 41103 Operations

Field Description Data Type Length Comments Sample Data
Schedule Item Varchar 4 Name of Form 291A
Carrier code Character 2 Two letter IATA code XX
Airline ID Numeric 5 Five digit Cardecode 10482
Account Code Numeric 5 Account 41990
Frequency Numeric 1 Annual 4
Year of Data
Included in the Report
Numeric 4 Year (CCYY) 2010
Month of Data
Included in the Report
Numeric 2 Month (MM) 03
Data Numeric --- Actual data value 3484750


The 291 - Statement of Operations Report must be created as an electronic “comma separated values” file, using ASCII text character encoding, for uploading via the “eSubmit” application.

The comma separated values file MUST BE indicated when naming the file, by using the letters [CSV] or [csv] following the file name, as the file name extension.

The file name is flexible and may be determined by the individual air carrier, but the comma separated values (csv) file format is required, as outlined in the rule entitled, Submitting Airline Data via the Internet.

The fields in the sample record shown below follow the same order as the above record description, separated by commas, and saved with the file name extension of .csv.

Suggested file name: XX201003-Form291.csv

Sample Record Format:
