Atlantic Fire and Safety, Inc.

Case Number: 03-601-CR-EA

Docket Order: PHMSA-RSPA-2004-17693

The Chief Counsel found that Atlantic Fire and Safety, Inc., committed four violations of the HMR, including representing, marking and certifying DOT specification and exemption cylinders as having been successfully retested in accordance with the HMR, (1) when Respondent had not demonstrated the accuracy of the test equipment each day prior to retesting, and had not demonstrated the accuracy of the pressure indicating device within 500 psi of actual test pressures at or above 3,000 psi for cylinders being tested that day; (2) when Respondent did not properly complete and maintain requalification records; (3) when Respondent did not test the cylinders at the minimum retest pressure prescribed by the exemption; and (4) when Respondent did not provide the employees with hazardous materials general awareness, function-specific and safety training. The Order assessed a civil penalty of $10,800.