Xenon Products, Inc

Case Number: 05-0487-SP-EA

Docket Order: PHMSA-2005-23257

Respondent was assessed a civil penalty of $7,550 for two violations of the HMR, by offering for transportation in commerce its XGRH product, a corrosive hazardous material, without marking the outer packaging with the proper shipping name and identification number, affixing hazard warning labels, or describing the material as hazardous on a shipping paper (violation No. 1), and that Respondent¿s employees who prepared hazardous materials for transportation in commerce and performed functions subject to the HMR had not received hazmat employee training (violation No. 2), in violation of 49 C.F.R. §§ 171,2(a), 172.200, 172.202, 172.704(a)(1)-(4), 172.300, and 172.400(a).