CR Chemical Corp.

Case Number: 03-022-SE-HQ

Docket Order: PHMSA-RSPA-2004-17705

The Chief Counsel found that CR Chemical Corp committed three violations of the HMR, including offering for transportation in commerce a hazardous material, Strontium Nitrate, 5.1, UN 1507, PG 111, when Respondent: (1) used plastic bags that had not been subjected to the required testing and therefore were unauthorized for the transportation of hazardous materials; (2) had not registered as a hazardous materials shipper; and (3) executed a shipping paper that accompanied the shipment and: (a) contained an emergency response telephone number of a company, with whom Respondent had not registered; (b) did not include a shipperÂ’s certification; and (c) contained an improper basic description. The Order assessed a civil penalty of $10,600 after reductions for corrective actions.