Wescold, Inc. d/b/a W.E. Stone and Company

Case Number: 06-0063-SC-EA

Docket Order: PHMSA-2006-26214

On March 15, 2007, the Chief Counsel issued a Default Order to Wescold, Inc. d/b/a/W.E. Stone and Company (Appellant) finding Appellant knowingly committed one violation of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). Specifically, the Order found Appellant had offered compressed flammable and nonflammable gases for transportation in commerce accompanied by improperly prepared shipping papers. The Default Order assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $6,270. The finding was that Appellant had improperly prepared its hazardous materials shipping papers nor did it provide any information to explain its failure to respond waived his opportunity to contest the allegations in the Notice when it failed to respond. The appeal is denied.