Kaufman Products, Inc.

Case Number: 04-089-SP-EA

Docket Order: PHMSA-RSPA-2005-20506

The Chief Counsel found that Kaufman Products, Inc., committed five violations of the HMR, including offering for transportation in commerce a hazardous material, corrosive liquid, n.o.s. (alkaline amine), 8, UN1760, PGIII, (1) when Respondent filled and offered the hazardous material in five-gallon pails certified for solid materials; (2) when Respondent used five-gallon pails not marked with a proper shipping name, or identification number and combination packagings not marked with the proper shipping name, "consumer commodity," and on opposing sides with orientation markings; (3) when Respondent completed shipping papers containing abbreviations within the shipping description and failed to contain the technical name ofthe hazardous material; (4) when Respondent offered over 1,001 pounds of corrosive materials without registering as a shipper of hazardous materials; and (5) when Respondent had not provided general awareness or function-specific training and testing to its hazmat employees. The order assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $8,850.00.