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Freight Forecasting

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Freight Models and Related Studies:

Florida Intermodal Statewide Highway Freight Model
The Intermodal Statewide Highway Freight Model is intended to serve as a planning tool for the identification and measurement of truck activity within the state in support of providing adequate highway connection to other modes and regional freight hubs. 2000

Commodity Flow Modeling (Transportation Research Circular, EC011, William R. Black, Indiana University)
Indiana University created a database of commodity flows within the State using the Commodity Flow Survey, and assigned those flows to the Indiana highway network. 2000 (PDF)

Statewide Transportation Planning Model and Methodology Development Program
A matrix has been developed for the identification and development of tools and databases to support freight planning and modeling for the DOT. Dimensions of the matrix include selected freight planning issues and scenarios, and a prioritized list of commodity types for Iowa. Issues were identified by public and private sector practitioners and stakeholders, and tools and databases were developed using GIS and Internet technologies. 1997

Freight Commodity and Intermodal Access in Kentucky - Freight Movement and Intermodal Access in Kentucky (KTC-99-65)
The primary objectives of this project were to further the understanding of freight flows throughout Kentucky and to make recommendations on the potential value of freight commodity flow data as an input for statewide transportation planning models, 1999.

Minnesota Statewide Freight Flows Study (Adobe Acrobat 2.3 MB)
Study undertaken to identify how goods moved in the State and key corridors where improvements were needed. More specifically, the study identified the volume, density, and character of major freight flows in the State by mode and corridor; the origins and destinations of freight flows by mode to and from major regional centers in the State; evaluated critical freight transportation planning, infrastructure, and policy issues; and compiled and evaluated data, freight system performance measures and recommendations to support and compliment the Interregional Corridors study. March 2000

Freight Impacts on Ohio's Roadways
Study sponsored by ODOT's Office of Urban and Corridor Planning to analyze freight impacts on Ohio's roadway system. This initiative was done in support of the development of ODOT’s new statewide travel demand forecasting model, to be completed in 2005, which will include sophisticated freight planning capabilities. 2002

Develop Roadway Performance Measures for Trucks
Project will result in development of truck oriented roadway performance measures and data collection guidance. Key measures could include reliability, delay, accessibility and costs/rates and address system wide performance, measures at key highway facilities and locations and measures at terminals, destinations or international borders. An implementation strategy specific to Washington DOT needs would also be included. Performance measures for trucks and freight movement on the state highway system will enable identification of what is working well, where improvements are needed, and how effective improvements are once they are implemented.
Start date: 2003/7
Status: Programmed

Updated: 10/20/2015
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