Collage depicting the flow of EMS data thru the NEMSIS system. National Reports
The NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center (TAC)... Offering technical assistance on the implementation and tracking of National EMS Data.
Latest News

NEMSIS Version 3 Critical Patch 2: Released July 13, 2016

The NEMSIS Version 3 Critical Patch 2 was released Wednesday, July 13, 2016. Updates to the NEMSIS Version 3.3.4 and Version 3.4.0 standard include: two pattern changes and minor updates such has definition and comment updates. All v3 resources are updated (XSDs, data dictionaries, APIs, translation tools, schematron, and ancillary data files).

Please reference the Change Log document here for details.

For questions, please contact Jorge Rojas at

- Best Practices Spotlight

The latest issue of the Best Practices Spotlight highlights the efforts of the Utah Bureau ofEmergency Medical Services. Members of their team have published a report titled “Training Matters! How Utah Improved the Documentation of Pre-Hospital Pediatric Vital Signs”. They are using the NEMSIS data standard to improve documentation quality. For more information read the fifth issue of Best Practices Spotlight .

- NEMSIS Version 2 & 3 Timelines and Revision Cycles!

The following policy decisions have been made regarding the new timelines and revision cycles for the NEMSIS Version 2 and 3 Standards for local, State and national collection of valuable EMS patient care data:

  1. The NEMSIS TAC will continue to collect NEMSIS Version 2 data from the States until 12/31/2016;
  2. The NEMSIS TAC will continue to collect both NEMSIS Version 3.3.4 and NEMSIS Version 3.4 data from the States until 12/31/2017; however, Version 3.4 will officially become the standard on 1/1/2018;
  3. NHTSA and the NEMSIS TAC have agreed that major revisions to the NEMSIS Standard will occur on a four year cycle. The next major revision could be released March, 2018 and would officially become the standard on 1/1/2019.

Some States may be ready to move forward more quickly - which is highly encouraged!

Graphic illustrating the revised timeline: here


Version 2 Dashboards
- Pediatric Cause of Injury Dashboard!

We have a dashboard to give an in depth view of our pediatric data. This public access dashboard is available here.

- Cardiac Arrest Dashboard

We have two dashboards to give insights into our cardiac arrest data. The public access dashboard is available here. As well as a more detailed view for state data managers here.

New Cardiac Arrest Dashboards


Links to State Information Related to NTHSA / NEMSIS Version 2 and Version 3:

Version 2: (link)
- State & Territory Information
- Submission Schedule

Version 3: (link)
- State & Territory Information
- National Library


NEMSIS Reports:

The NEMSIS reports are located under the Reporting Tools tab.
Reports > National Reports:

NEMSIS National Cube (Create a Report)
NEMSIS Static Reports (Access Reports)


Software Vendor News

NEMSIS TAC 2016 Annual Meeting

The NEMSIS TAC 2016 Meeting "Moving Health Information Exchange Forward with NEMSIS Version 3" was a huge success and greatly due to the participation of EMS Stakeholders from across the nation! The meeting serves as an opportunity for EMS Software Developers, EMS State Data Managers, and other NEMSIS Stakeholders to formally address questions, find solutions for implementation and move the standard forward. Thank you for your participation and support of NEMSIS. If you were not able to attend the meeting, or would like to review the information, see the Presentation Slides here.

Final Agenda: NEMSIS 2016 Annual Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting Save the date

NEMSIS Production System 2016 Downtime Schedule

The NEMSIS TAC has implemented a monthly production system downtime schedule for routine maintenance. The Version 2 and Version 3 web services and reporting services will be unavailable during these times. The schedule is from Monday at 9:00 am through Wednesday at 9:00 am Mountain Time. We appreciate the cooperation of the State and EMS Software Development communities as we work to improve our systems.

January 11-13 April 11-13 July 11-13 October 10-12
February 8-10 May 9-11 August 8-10 November 7-9
March 7-9 June 6-8 September 6-8 December 5-7


NEMSIS TAC 2015 Annual Meeting

Thanks to everyone able to join us for the 2015 Annual Meeting "Moving Forward Together ...With the V3 Standard". Here are links to the participant list and the presentations (Day 1) and presentations (Day 2).


NHTSA / NEMSIS Version 3.4.0 Build 150302 - Official Release

The NEMSIS TAC team released NHTSA / NEMSIS Version 3.4.0 Build 150302. This is a major release with the addition of nine elements to the standard and two retired.

Please see the v3.4.0 Build 150302 Change Log for details for details regarding the modifications.

The Data Dictionary and other resources can be found from the Version 3 tab.

Forum to submit revision requests to the v3 Standard:

Enter your recommended revision to the v3 Standard on the NEMSIS V3 Forum.

A NEMSIS Account is required to make revision requests, comment on other requests, and view the forum. If you don't have an account, request one fromJorge Rojas.

Requests and recommendations for changes to the v3 Standard may be submitted via the v3 forum by July 31st of each year. Changes to the dataset will be made only after careful consideration and EMS Stakeholder involvement.

Previous versions of the NEMSIS v3 Standard can be found on the NEMSIS Version 3 Archive page.

NEMSIS Version 3 Shortcuts:

For a summary of the v3 dataset information click Overview.

Additional components are available under Downloads in the Version 3 tab.

Suggested Lists can be found on the Resources page


Instructive Webinar:

1) v3.4.0 CR1 - National Schematron / Validation Rule Change Overview
Joshua Legler
2) EMS Performance Measures Initiative
Nick Nudell & Dave Williams

Use Firefox or Google Chrome to view the Webinar Recording

This webinar provides an opportunity to learn more about the National EMS Performance Measures Initiative.


NEMSIS V3 Implementation Conference Calls:

The NEMSIS TAC conducts NEMSIS Version 3 Software Developer's Implementation Conference Calls on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 11:00 to 12:30 Eastern Time (9:00-10:30 Mountain Time). Notifications of the agenda, phone line, and webinar link are sent out prior to the call, or in the event a call is cancelled.

Information for the conference call is posted on the NEMSIS TAC Google Group the Friday before the call.

To receive notification please become a member of the NEMSIS Google Group or List Serve available here.

If you have any questions, please contact Karen Jacobson at


NEMSIS User Group
Program Sponsors: