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FHWA Resource Center


Courses, seminars, and workshops offered by Resource Center specialists

Please contact Team Manager Pat Hasson at Patrick.Hasson@dot.gov or (708) 283-3595 or visit the National Highway Institute website for more information and to schedule workshops or courses offered by the Safety and Design Team.


Highway Design (General)

  • Context Sensitive Solutions
  • Geometric Design
    • Advanced Geometric Design
    • Highway Geometric Design for Safety & Efficiency
    • NHI-380095, Geometric Design: Applying Flexibility and Risk Management
  • Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM)
    • NHI-380071, Interactive Highway Safety Design Model
    • NHI-380100, Using IHSDM
  • Safety Performance


Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

  • Highway Safety Improvement Program
    • NHI-380103, Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual
    • NHI-380111, Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Project Evaluation
  • Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Improvement Program
    • NHI-380005, Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Improvement Program
    • NHI-380097, An Overview of the Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Improvement Program
  • Strategic Highway Safety Plan
    • NHI-380113, Strategic Highway Safety Plan Development
    • NHI-380114, Strategic Highway Safety Plan Implementation


Intersection Safety

For more information on available training courses and workshops with the National Center for Rural Road Safety, please visit: http://ruralsafetycenter.org/.

  • Interchanges
    • FHWA Interstate Access Policy and Interchange Design Workshop
    • NHI-380073, Fundamentals of Planning, Design and Approval of Interchange Improvements to the Interstate System
    • NHI-380118, Integrating Geometric Design & Traffic Control for Improved Safety
    • Safety Analysis of Freeways and Interchanges
  • Intersections
    • 1-day intersection safety workshop
    • 3-day intersection safety workshop
    • NHI-380074, Designing and Operating Intersections for Safety
    • NHI-380077, Intersection Safety Workshop
    • NHI-380109, Alternative Intersections and Interchanges
    • Signalized Intersection Handbook Workshop *
    • NHI-380078, Signalized Intersection Guidebook Workshop
  • Roundabouts
    • Roundabouts: Designing Intersections for Safety
    • NHI-380096, Modern Roundabout: Intersections Designed for Safety


Local, Rural and Tribal Road Safety


Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

  • Designing for Pedestrian Safety
  • Developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
  • Older Driver and Pedestrian Handbook
  • NHI-142045, Pedestrian Facility Design
  • NHI-142046, Bicycle Facility Design
  • NHI-380089, Designing for Pedestrian Safety
  • NHI-380090, Developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
  • NHI-380091, Planning and Designing for Pedestrian Safety
  • Planning and Designing for Pedestrian Safety 3-Day workshop


Roadway Departure Safety

  • Safety Hardware
    • NHI-380034, Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Highway Safety Appurtenances and Features (1 day)
    • NHI-380034A, Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Highway Safety Appurtenances and Features (2 day)
    • NHI-380034B, Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Highway Safety Appurtenances and Features (3 day)
    • NHI-380085 Guardrail Installation Training
  • Horizontal Curve Safety
  • Roadside Design
    • Roadside Design
    • NHI-380032A, Roadside Safety Design (3-Day)
    • NHI-380079, AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (Web Based Training)
    • NHI-380117, Combating Roadway Departures


Safety Performance

  • Flexible Design
  • Highway Safety Manual
    • NHI-380070 , Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Geometric Design Features
    • NHI-380070A, Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Two-Lane Rural Roads
    • NHI-380070B, Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Multilane Highways
    • NHI-380088 , Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Horizontal Curves
    • NHI-380105 , Highway Safety Manual Practitioners Guide for Intersections
    • NHI-380106, Highway Safety Manual Online Overview
  • Systemic Safety


Various Other Safety Programs & Initiatives

  • Highway Safety Analysis
    • NHI-380075, New Approaches to Highway Safety Analysis
  • Crash Modification Factors
    • NHI-380093, Application of Crash Modification Factors (CMF) (Blended Training)
    • NHI-380094, Science of Crash Modification Factors
  • Low Cost Safety Improvements
    • NHI-380076, Low-Cost Safety Improvements Workshop
    • NHI-380083, Low-Cost Safety Improvements Workshop (WEB-BASED)
  • Road Safety Audits
    • Road Safety Audits for Local Officials
    • NHI-380069, Road Safety Audits/Assessments
  • ITS
    • Making Highways Safer with ITS workshop
  • Retroreflectivity
    • Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity
    • Sign Management and Retroreflectivity Workshop
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