Security Training
Last Updated: Apr 29, 2008
  1. Who must receive security awareness training?
  2. My company repairs, modifies, reconditions, and tests packagings. We perform no other function subject to the requirements of the regulations. Must I provide my hazmat employees with security awareness training?
  3. Do the in-depth security training requirements related to the requirements of a company¿s security plan apply to all hazmat employees or only to those hazmat employees whose job functions involve access to and handling of the materials covered by the plan?

  1. Who must receive security awareness training?

    All hazmat employees (as defined in § 171.8 of the HMR) must receive training that provides an awareness of the security risks associated with hazardous materials transportation and methods to enhance hazardous materials transportation security. The training must be provided at the employee's first scheduled recurrent training after March 25, 2003.

  2. My company repairs, modifies, reconditions, and tests packagings. We perform no other function subject to the requirements of the regulations. Must I provide my hazmat employees with security awareness training?

    Yes. Everyone who is involved in the transportation of hazardous materials should be aware of security issues associated with such transportation. All employees should know that certain people may ask questions or seek to acquire information that could be used to target hazardous materials for criminal or terrorist acts. Further, persons who manufacture or repair packagings should be aware of potential sabotage or other actions that could be directed at their operations. Security awareness training may be tailored to the specific responsibilities of a hazardous materials employee and should be commensurate to the security risks that an employee may encounter training for employees who manufacture or repair packagings may differ in length and coverage from training for employees who operate commercial motor vehicles.

  3. Do the in-depth security training requirements related to the requirements of a company¿s security plan apply to all hazmat employees or only to those hazmat employees whose job functions involve access to and handling of the materials covered by the plan?

    The in-depth security training under § 172.704(a)(5) is required only for hazmat employees who handle or perform regulated functions related to the transportation of the materials listed in § 172.800(b) or who are responsible for implementing the security plan. These hazmat employees must receive in-depth training on the specific portions of the plan for which they are responsible, including specific security procedures, employee responsibilities, and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach.