Hazardous Materials Automated Cargo Communications for Efficient and Safe Shipments (HM - ACCESS)
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The Paperless Hazard Communications Pilot Program, also known as HM-ACCESS (Hazardous Materials Automated Cargo Communications for Efficient and Safe Shipments), is a pilot program under Section 33005 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Improvement Act of 2012 (MAP-21).

Goal: Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of paperless hazardous materials (e-HM) communication systems (e-systems) to provide a level of safety equivalent to or better than the current HM shipping paper requirement, thereby facilitating commercial efficiency while maintaining and possibly enhancing safety. Additional potential benefits from HM-ACCESS adoption include reduced paperwork and environmental burdens associated with paper recordkeeping.

Intent: For all transportation modes, study the performance, safety, security impacts, and identify the associated benefits and costs of using e-systems for communicating HM shipping paper information.

Benefit: Allowing HM shipper and carriers to communicate HM shipping paper information electronically, is expected to: improve the availability and accuracy of hazard and response information for shipments and packages; improve the speed by which information is available to emergency responders and modal inspectors; improve the security of imported containers through better knowledge of shipments; and enable U.S. companies to compete more effectively in the global economy by using the best tools available.


  • Communicated with HM stakeholders, representing fire and other emergency responders, law enforcement, and regulated entities to discuss operational and technological requirements for implementing e-systems across all modes.
  • Defined informational requirements and developed plan for information collection activities associated with conducting pilot projects and evaluating potential impacts.
  • Published Federal Register Notices seeking input and comments on the planned data collection activities (60-Day Notice published July 19, 2013 and 30-Day Notice published November 25, 2013).
  • Submitted information collection request (ICR) on December 19, 2013 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval, in accordance with Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).
  • Submitted a letter to Congress on the status of the MAP-21 Paperless Hazard Communications Pilot Program on September 30, 2014.
  • Received OMB approval on the ICR on September 8, 2014 enabling PHMSA to proceed with conducting inspections and emergency response simulation pilot tests in multiple U.S. regions (including one rural area as required by MAP-21).
  • Pilot tests were conducted with selected participants within five U.S. Regions (Western, Central, Southwestern, Southern, and Eastern), and included at least one rural area, as required by MAP-21. The pilot tests collected data regarding the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety associated with electronic transfer of HM shipping paper data between HM stakeholders (shippers, carriers, law enforcement inspectors, and emergency response personnel) during inspection and emergency response simulations utilizing participants' existing equipment and resources. The pilot tests began on February 17, 2015 and concluded on May 15, 2015. Concurrent with conducting the pilot tests, PHMSA collected impact analysis data from the HM community to analyze the impacts of using e-systems for communicating HM shipping paper information.
  • The pilot test and impact analysis data is currently being analyzed for incorporation into the MAP-21 required feasibility and assessment report, which PHMSA will submit to Congress.

Additional questions regarding HM-ACCESS should be emailed to PHMSA at HMAccess@dot.gov.