TrueCar is the official source of motor vehicle pricing data and information as seen on a

Know what others paid BEFORE YOU BUY

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Get Guaranteed Savings and a hassle-free buying experience from a nationwide network of certified dealers.
  • Certified Dealer Network TrueCar believes the car buying experience should be simple, fair and fun, and we have partnered with a national network of dealers who share these beliefs and are committed to a hassle-free car-buying experience. CERTIFIED
  • Cars Sold TrueCar Certified Dealers have sold and delivered more than 600,000 vehicles to TrueCar users. TrueCar is an information and technology platform that enables its users to communicate with TrueCar Certified Dealers for a hassle-free car-buying experience.
  • Total Savings TrueCar users save on average approximately $2500 from MSRP on the purchase of a new vehicle from a TrueCar Certified Dealer.
Data Current as of December 11, 2012

Start saving right away on your next car

  1. See What Others Paid

    Having the right information is how you avoid making mistakes when buying a car, and allows you to recognize a fair price based on what others actually paid.

  2. See Your Savings

    Register with TrueCar to see upfront Guaranteed Saving from a TrueCar Certified Dealer, and to track additional savings, new incentives, price drops and special offers.

  3. Print Your Certificate

    The key to a hassle-free car-buying experience is locking in your savings, printing your Certificate and taking it to one of our TrueCar Certified Dealers.

*In certain states you will receive Estimated Savings instead of Guaranteed Savings


Three simple steps to a great car buying experience...

  1. See What Others Paid Having the right information is how you avoid making mistakes when buying a car, and allows you to recognize a fair price based on what others actually paid.
  2. See Your Savings Register with TrueCar to see upfront Guaranteed Savings from a TrueCar Certified Dealer, and to track additional savings, new incentives, price drops and special offers.
  3. Print Your Certificate The key to a hassle-free car-buying experience is locking in your savings, printing your Certificate and taking it to one of our TrueCar Certified Dealers.

* In certain states, you will receive Estimated Savings instead of Guaranteed Savings.