

Undocumented Alien Formerly Working as an Aircraft Mechanic at an FAA-Certificated Repair Station Sentenced and to be Deported


On August 25, Jorge L. Leiva-Lopez, a former employee of Triad International Maintenance Corporation (TIMCO), was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Winston-Salem, NC to four months time served, two years supervised release, and ordered to pay $100 for falsifying an Immigration Employment Eligibility Verification document (Form I-9) to reflect that he was a U.S. citizen. Having those with fraudulent identity documents working or on near critical aviation infrastructure is an unacceptable risk to public safety. Leiva-Lopez worked as a non-certificated mechanic. He was detained in March 2005 under a large-scale arrest operation of alleged illegal aliens, and is one of 13 TIMCO employees prosecuted. Leiva-Lopez pled guilty in May 2005 to one count of making false statements on Form I-9. Deportation proceedings are underway. This investigation is being conducted with DHS-ICE and the Social Security Administration, Office of Inspector General.