New Audit Announcements


Revised Audit Notification on FHWA’s Oversight of Recovery Act Project Closeouts

Project ID: 


On July 2, 2013, the Office of the Inspector General announced an audit of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) oversight of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) highway project closeouts by the States. The original objectives were to determine whether (1) FHWA performs adequate oversight to ensure timely closeouts of completed ARRA highway projects, and (2) lessons learned from closing out ARRA highway projects can be used to improve closeouts of Federal-aid highway projects. However, FHWA Headquarters recently completed an internal review of its Federal-aid highway project close-out process, and FHWA officials stated that they are considering what specific improvement actions to take. Accordingly, we are discontinuing work on the second audit objective but will continue with our first objective: to determine whether FHWA performs adequate oversight to ensure timely closeouts of completed ARRA highway projects.