Top Management Challenges


DOT's FY 2009 Top Management Challenges

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On November 17, we publicly released our annual report on the top management challenges facing the Department in FY 2009, as required by law. The issues comprising this year’s report are: enhancing aviation safety and maintaining confidence in FAA’s ability to provide effective oversight of a rapidly changing industry; enhancing mobility and reducing congestion in America’s transportation system; developing a plan to address projected highway and transit funding shortfalls; maximizing the return on current highway and transit infrastructure investments; operating the National Airspace System while developing and transitioning to the Next Generation Air Transportation System; protecting against increasing cyber security risks and enhancing the protection of personally identifiable information; preventing catastrophic failures and obsolescence in the nation’s aging surface transportation infrastructure; improving contract operations and maintaining procurement integrity; and enhancing and deploying programs for reducing the serious consequences of surface transportation crashes. This report was included in the Department’s FY 2008 Performance and Accountability Report.