United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration FHWA HomeFeedback

Financing Federal-Aid Highways


Authorization Act

Federal-aid Financing Procedures

Limitation on Obligations


The Highway Trust Fund


  1. Glossary
  2. Chronology Passage of the TEA-21
  3. Authorizations
  4. Deductions
  5. Apportionment Formulas
  6. Penalties
  7. Surface Transportation Program Sub-State Distribution
  8. Authorizations for Allocated Programs
  9. Federal Share and Period of Availability for Selected Programs
  10. Transferability
  11. Step-by-Step Obligation Limitation Distribution
  12. Allocated Programs Subject to Sec. 1102(f) Reduction ("Lop off")
  13. Federal Excise Taxes on Highway Motor Fuel
  14. Innovative Project Finance Program


Electronic version of Publication No. FHWA-PL-99-015

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration