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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Field Manual

Office of Highway Policy Information
March 2014 (and March 2015 and April 2016 Addendum)


Due to ongoing MAP-21-related rulemaking activities, the HPMS Field Manual did not undergo a formal update process this year. Therefore, addendum documents which address recent non-rulemaking modifications to various data collection and reporting guidance/requirements can be downloaded via the following links:

March 2015 HPMS Field Manual Addendum (PDF, 493 KB)

April 2016 HPMS Field Manual Addendum (PDF, 1.5 MB)

It is anticipated that the manual will undergo a formal update in 2016.

Field Manual cover 2014
Full PDF Version, 6.73 MB
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Table of Contents


1.1 Background
1.2 Scope of The HPMS
1.3 Uses of HPMS Data
1.4 HPMS Staff Roles and Responsibilities
1.5 Reporting Requirements


2.1 Overview
2.2 Full Extent Data
2.3 Sample Panel Data
2.4 Data Items Required for the Full Extent and/or Sample Panel Sections
2.5 Summary Data

2.6 Estimates Data 2.7 Metadata


3.1 Overview
3.2 Geospatial Component
3.3 Catalogs and Associated Datasets


4.1 Overview
4.2 Section Data Reporting Requirements
4.3 Data Items to be Collected
4.4 Data Item Requirements
4.5 Sample Panel Identification Data Reporting Requirements
4.6 FHWA Coded Items
4.7 Software Calculated Items


5.1 Overview
5.2 Functional Classification System Descriptions and Groupings
5.3 Traffic Monitoring Procedures
5.4 Pavement Data Guidance

Chapter 6: SAMPLING

6.1 Overview
6.2 Sampling Framework
6.3 AADT Volume Group Ranges and Precision Levels
6.4 Sample Size Estimation Procedures
6.5 Sample Adequacy and Maintenance


7.1 Overview
7.2 Submittal Process Overview
7.3 Software Validations
7.4 Post-Submittal Expectations


A. Acronyms
B. Glossary
C. Table of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Codes for States (FIPS PUB 5-2)
D. Toll-ID Table
F. Metric-to-English Soft Conversion Procedures
G. Sample View Export and Calculations
H. HPMS Crosswalk Table
I. Urbanized Area Codes
J. County Code Reference Tables (AK, DC, and PR)
K. NAAQS Pollutant Standards


1.1 Minimum Data Reporting for Selected HPMS Products
2.1 Data Items Required for the Full Extent and/or Sample Panel Sections
3.1 State Boundaries
3.2 County Boundaries
3.3 Climate Zone Boundaries
3.4 Soil Type Boundaries
3.5 Routes
3.6 Urban Area Boundaries
3.7 NAAQS Area Boundaries
3.8 Sections
3.9 Data Items
3.10 Sample Panel Identification
3.11 Statewide Summaries
3.12 Vehicle Summaries
3.13 Urban Area Summaries
3.14 County Summaries
3.15 NAAQS Summaries
3.16 Point References
3.17 Estimates
3.18 Estimate Types and Valid Values
3.19 Metadata
3.20 Metadata Types and Valid Values
4.1 HPMS Sections File Structure
4.2 Data Items
4.3 Calculation Method by Data Item
4.4 Present Serviceability Rating
4.5 Data item Requirements by Surface Type
4.6 HPMS Sample Panel Identification File Structure
4.7 FHWA Coded Items
4.8 Software Calculated Items
6.1 Volume Group/AADT Ranges
6.2 Precision Levels
6.3 Confidence Level
6.4 Sample Panel Change Cause/Recommendation


1.1 State HPMS Processing Cycle
3.1 HPMS Data Model Structure
3.2 Example Routes File
4.1 Sections/Routes (LRS) Data Linkage
4.2 At-Grade Intersection Reference Points
4.3A Grade-Separated Interchange (Gore Points)
4.3B Grade-Separated Interchange (Taper Points)
4.3C Begin Taper Point
4.3D End Taper Point
4.4A One-Way Roadway (Code "1") Example
4.4B "One-Way Pairs" (Code "1") Example
4.5 Two-Way Roadway (Code "2") Example
4.6 Ramp (Code "4") Example
4.7 Non-Mainline (Code "5") Example
4.8 Non-Inventory Direction (Code "6") Example
4.9 Bridge (Code "1") Example
4.10 Tunnel (Code "2") Example
4.11 Causeway (Code "3") Example
4.12 Full control (Code "1"); all access via grade-separated interchanges
4.13 Partial Control (Code "2"); access via grade-separated interchanges and direct access rdwys
4.14 No Access Control (Code "3")
4.15 No Access Control (Code "3")
4.16 A Roadway with Four Through-Lanes
4.17 HOV Signage
4.18 Peak-Lane Example (Peak Lanes=3)
4.19 Roundabout Configuration Example
4.20 Painted Island Example
4.21 Multiple Turn Lanes (Code "2") Example
4.22 Continuous Turn Lane (Code "3") Example
4.23 Single Turn Lane (Code "4") Example
4.24 No Exclusive Turn Lane (Code "5") Example
4.25 No Right Turn Permitted (Code "6") Example
4.26 Jug Handle Configuration Example
4.27 Multiple Turn Lanes (Code "2") Example
4.28 Multiple Turn Lanes (Code "2") Example
4.29 Continuous Turn Lane (Code "3") Example
4.30 Exclusive Turn Lane (Code "4") Example
4.31 No Exclusive Left Turn Lane (Code "5") Example
4.32 No Left Turn Permitted (Code "6") Example
4.33 Toll-Road Signage
4.34 Business Route (Code "3") Example
4.35 Proposed Route (Code "7") Example
4.36 Temporary Route (Code "8") Example
4.37 Peak Hour Truck Traffic vs. AADT
4.38 Uncoordinated Fixed Time (Code "1") Example
4.39 Uncoordinated Traffic Actuated (Code "2") Example
4.40 Coordinated Progressive (Code "3") Example
4.41 Signal Inventory
4.42 Stop Sign Controlled Intersection
4.43 At-Grade Other Example
4.44 Intersection Count Example
4.45 An Example for Measuring Lane Width
4.46 An Example of Median Type = 2, Unprotected
4.47 An Example for Measuring Median Width
4.48 Median Width Measurement
4.49 Bituminous (Code "2")
4.50 Stabilized (Code "4")
4.51 Combination (Code "5")
4.52 Earth (Code "6")
4.53 Earth Shoulder Measurement
4.54 Bituminous Shoulder Measurement
4.55 Measuring Shoulders with Guardrails
4.56 Measuring Shoulders with Parking/Bike Lanes
4.57 Measuring Shoulders with Parking and Bike Lanes
4.58 Measuring Shoulders with Combined Parking/Bike Lanes
4.59 Parking on One Side (Code "1") Example
4.60 Parking on Both Sides (Code "2") Example
4.61 No Parking Allowed (Code "3") Example
4.62 Cemetery (Code "E") Obstacle Example
4.63 Major Rail Line (Code "B") Obstacle Example
4.64 Widening Potential of 9 lanes (Max)
4.65 No Widening Potential
4.66 Curve Classification Example
4.67 Level Terrain (Code "1") Example
4.68 Rolling Terrain (Code "2") Example
4.69 Mountainous Terrain (Code "3") Example
4.70 Grade Classification Example
4.71 Rutting
4.72 Rutting Example
4.73 Faulting
4.74 Faulting Example
4.75 AC Fatigue Type Cracking
4.76 AC Longitudinal Cracking (Inside and Outside of Wheel path)
4.77 AC Moderate Severity Longitudinal Cracking (Wheel path)
4.78 AC Chicken Wire/Alligator Fatigue Type Cracking in Wheel path
4.79 AC Low Severity Fatigue Type Cracking
4.80 AC Moderate Severity Fatigue Type Cracking
4.81 AC High Severity Fatigue Type Cracking
4.82 CRCP Fatigue Type Cracking (Punchouts)
4.83 Low Severity CRCP Punchout Cracking
4.84 Moderate Severity CRCP Punchout Cracking
4.85 High Severity CRCP Punchout Cracking
4.86 JCP Longitudinal Cracking
4.87 JCP Low Severity Longitudinal Cracking
4.88 JCP Moderate Severity Longitudinal Cracking
4.89 JCP High Severity Longitudinal Cracking
4.90 JCP Transverse Cracking
4.91 JCP Moderate Severity Transverse Cracking
4.92 JCP High Severity Transverse Cracking
4.93 AC/Composite Cracking Length
4.94 High Severity AC/Composite Reflection Cracking
4.95 Low Severity AC Transverse Cracking
4.96 Moderate Severity AC Transverse Cracking
4.97 High Severity AC Transverse Cracking
4.98 Resurfaced Roadway
4.99 LTPP Climate Zone Map
6.1 TOPS Development Process
6.2 AADT Volume Groups
6.3 Expansion Factor

Data Item Lookup - Coding Requirements and Guidance

Item 1 Functional System
Item 2 Urban Code
Item 3 Facility Type
Item 4 Structure Type
Item 5 Access Control
Item 6 Ownership
Item 7 Through Lanes
Item 8 HOV Type
Item 9 HOV Lanes
Item 10 Peak Lanes
Item 11 Counterpeak Lanes
Item 12 Right Turn Lanes
Item 13 Left Turn Lanes
Item 14 Speed Limit
Item 15 Toll Charged
Item 16 Toll Type
Item 63 County Code
Item 68 Maintenance and Operations

Item 17 Route Number
Item 18 Route Signing
Item 19 Route Qualifier
Item 20 Alternative Route Number

Item 21 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
Item 22 Single-Unit Truck and Bus AADT
Item 23 Percent Peak Single-Unit Trucks and Buses
Item 24 Combination Truck AADT
Item 25 Percent Peak Combination Trucks
Item 26 K-factor
Item 27 D-factor
Item 28 Future AADT
Item 29 Signal Type
Item 30 Percent Green Time
Item 31 Number of Signalized Intersections
Item 32 Number of Stop Sign-Controlled Intersections
Item 33 Number of Intersections, Type - Other
Item 69 Capacity

Item 34 Lane Width
Item 35 Median Type
Item 36 Median Width
Item 37 Shoulder Type
Item 38 Right Shoulder Width
Item 39 Left Shoulder Width
Item 40 Peak Parking
Item 41 Widening Obstacle
Item 42 Widening Potential
Item 43 Curve Classification
Item 44 Terrain Type
Item 45 Grade Classification
Item 46 Percent Passing Sight Distance

Item 47 International Roughness Index (IRI)
Item 48 Present Serviceability Rating (PSR)
Item 49 Surface Type
Item 50 Rutting
Item 51 Faulting
Item 52 Cracking Percent
Item 53 Cracking Length
Item 54 Year of Last Improvement
Item 55 Year of Last Construction
Item 56 Last Overlay Thickness
Item 57 Thickness Rigid
Item 58 Thickness Flexible
Item 59 Base Type
Item 60 Base Thickness
Item 61 Climate Zone
Item 62 Soil Type

Special Networks
Item 64 National Highway System (NHS)
Item 65 Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)
Item 66 National Truck Network (NN)
Item 67 Future NHS

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Page last modified on July 19, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000