

House Highways and Transit Subcommittee Testimony on Status of Safety Requirements for Cross-Border Trucking With Mexico Under NAFTA

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On March 13, the Inspector General testified before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Highways and Transit Subcommittee regarding the status of safety requirements for cross-border trucking with Mexico. The Inspector General testified that FMCSA has made continual improvements in its border safety program, including working to resolve problems associated with making sure states can take effective enforcement action against Mexican motor carriers and that weigh stations are fully operational. Despite the progress made, additional improvements are needed. FMCSA needs to: (1) improve the quality of data used to monitor Mexican commercial traffic convictions in the United States; (2) ensure adequate capacity to inspect Mexican buses; (3) fully implement its policy on compliance with Federal motor vehicle manufacturing safety standards; and (4) continue to focus attention on drug and alcohol issues.