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Executive Order on Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment


Accommodating Broadband Infrastructure on Highway Rights-of-Way (November 21, 2013)

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Conduit being plowed in along the Interstate ROW, from Scipio to Holden, Utah. This is a project that was done in partnership with a local telephone company. Four conduits are pictured: blue, orange green and brown.

On June 14, 2012, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to facilitate the deployment of broadband on Federal lands, buildings, rights of way, federally-assisted highways and tribal lands.

This Executive Order has created an interagency working group composed of federal agencies involved in decisions related to access to Federal property and highway rights of way (ROW) with a goal to reduce barriers to the expansion of broadband services in underserved communities.

Over the past year, USDOT-FHWA has been working with the federal interagency group as well as with its own internal FHWA working group to carry out the requirements of the Order, an effort that has been coordinated by the FHWA Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs.

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