National Pipeline Mapping System

OPS and its State Partners inspect about 2.6 million miles of hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines transporting the products from their origins to customers throughout the U.S. The map shown here is part of a secure mapping system. You can learn about the National Pipeline Mapping System and pipelines in your county by clicking on the following links:

>> Find Pipelines in Your Area

>> Find Pipeline Operators in Your Area


Community Toolbox

PHMSA's mission is to protect people and the environment from the risks inherent in pipline transportation of energy products. Our mission cannot be accomplished in isolation. We are committed to working with all stakeholders to improve pipeline safety.

Find out how you can impact pipeline safety.


Leak Recognition & What to do?

Learn How to Recognize Where a Pipeline Is, How to Recognize a Pipeline Release, and What to DO in the event of a suspected or detected leak. Click here to learn more.

Pipeline 101

What are pipelines? Where are they? And why do we need them in the first place? Those are good, basic questions. Click here to read about Pipeline 101.


Safety Inspections

OPS and its State Partners conduct safety inspections of pipelines transporting natural gas from gathering fields (where natural gas is harvested from the earth) to homes and businesses. The blue line in this picture shows the portion of the nation’s natural gas system that the Federal regulators typically inspect. Learn more about the OPS inspection program.


Pipeline Replacement Update

Up-to-date information detailing pipeline operators’ efforts to replace aging gas distribution pipelines, including inventories of cast and bare steel pipelines per state or operator.

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Pipeline Safety Update

The Pipeline Safety Update provides the actions taken by USDOT, the states, communities and pipeline operators.

Get West Virginia Updates

PHMSA Posts Record Enforcement Numbers in 2012

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Pipeline Materials

Hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines are constructed out of a variety of materials. Cross country pipelines, which typically operate with higher pressures, are manufactured from steel plates in short 40-ft sections, called “joints”. Welders connect the joints end to end to create long lengths of pipeline. Steel pipelines come in a variety of longitudinal seams, including a spiral weld or straight, and some have no seam at all (seamless pipe).


Notice – Website in Transition

For more information, click here

To better serve you and in an effort to consolidate information, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is phasing out the Pipeline Safety Awareness website in August 31, 2015. The content from this website will be available on the PHMSA website. We apologize for any inconvenience to you during this transition period. If you have questions or feedback, please contact

A Call to Action To Address Pipeline Infrastructure Risks

More than 2.6 million miles of pipelines deliver energy to homes and businesses across America, and our job at the U.S. Department of Transportation is to ensure that every mile is safe. Doing this job right is important because protecting the infrastructure is critical to the U.S. economy and our everyday lives. read more

The Obama Administration’s Accomplishments in Pipeline Safety

Under the Obama Administration, PHMSA continues to provide strong safety and environmental oversight of the pipeline network that delivers energy fuels to the American public. An overview of the actions taken by this administration, can be found here.

State Pipeline Legal Forum Webcast

PHMSA Administrator Cynthia Quarterman requested the Office of Chief Counsel to launch an outreach effort to increase ties between pipeline state counterparts and pipeline program attorneys.  PHMSA's  Office of Chief Counsel hosted a State Pipeline Legal Forum webcast on December 8, 2011.  Recent pipeline incidents have highlighted the need for both federal and state pipeline regulators to beef up their pipeline safety programs and to prevent similar accidents in the future.  The webcast allowed the Office of Chief Counsel staff to introduce themselves, meet state legal colleagues, explain the pipeline work Counsel does, and solicit input on how PHMSA and state offices can more effectively work together.

  • President opens 2012 by advancing pipeline safety.
  • Damage to pipelines while digging is a leading cause of deaths and injuries. Stay safe by calling 811 before you dig.
  • Every state has a “Call Before You Dig” law.
  • Spread the word: Safe Digging is No Accident! Call 811 Before You Dig.