Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) Frequently Asked Questions

The questions and answers below are not official policy. For the official guidance on the TTP Safety Fund please refer to the latest Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) which is available at the TTP Safety home page.

Grant Administration

Where can I find additional information about the TTPSF?
Here is the link to the TTP Safety website:

What does a complete application consist of?
A complete application for the development of safety plans should consist of:

  • A completed online application (which replaces the SF-424)
  • A brief project narrative

A complete application for any other activity should consist of:

  • A completed online application (which replaces the SF-424)
  • A project narrative
  • Supporting incident data
  • Supporting Safety Plan
  • And any other applicable supporting documentations

Please review the instructions provided in the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and online at:

Should Tribes include a Tribal resolution in their applications?
No. It is not necessary to include a Tribal resolution with the application unless required by the Tribe's policies.

Can a Tribe submit more than one application?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of applications a Tribe may submit. Multiple applications can be submitted in each category. Each application will be evaluated separately. Only one project may be included on each application.

Can other sources of funds be used to finance an awarded project in advance of receiving TTPSF funds?
Yes. A Tribe can use other funding sources, including TTP Tribal Shares, to being work on a project that has been approved for funding on an official FHWA awards announcement, available on the web page: Once the TTPSF funds arrive the other funding source can be reimbursed.

If the Tribe is successful in their grant application for the TTPSF, can the funds be allocated directly to the Tribe, or must it be taken down through a BIA contracting mechanism?
TTPSF funds will be allocated to the BIA Agreement Tribes through the BIA Region Office, compact Tribes thru OSG, and FHWA Agreement Tribes thru the FHWA Referenced Funding Agreements (RFA).

What are the reporting requirements for this grant?
Required reporting follows the requirements for regular TTP funds.

May a Tribe include Indirect Cost Rates in the amount being requested from TTPSF?
An indirect cost of not more than 3% is allowed to be applied to pass thru funds. If the project is done by a Tribe's work force, then the ICR should be based from negotiated rate from the Dept. of Interior's Interior Business Center (IBC).

What should a Tribe do when a project is complete with some TTPSF funds unexpended?
Upon completion of a TTPSF project, funds that are not expended are to be recovered and returned to the TTPSF funding pool.

How long are TTPSF funds available for a project?
Any project not under contract within three fiscal years after the award announcement will forfeit unexpended funding. This funding will be returned to FHWA for redistribution under the next year's TTPSF awards. Applicants may request, in writing, a one-time, 1-year extension of this deadline from FHWA.

I put in a TTPSF application but funds have not been awarded. Can I begin working on my project now?
After an application has been submitted, the applicant may begin expenditures on the project that may possibly be reimbursed by TTPSF if the application is selected by funding. However, the applicant should understand there is no guarantee of an award, and the decision to implement the project is at their own risk. TTPSF cannot be used to reimburse a Tribe for work performed prior to an application for the work being submitted.

Selection Criteria

Note: Please reference the latest Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the official selection criteria.

What entities may apply for TTP Safety Funds?
Only federally recognized Tribes may apply for TTP Safety Funds.

Can another entity such as TTAP partner with a Tribal Government to apply for Safety Funds?
Yes. A partnership may be developed but the applicant must be a federally recognized Tribe.

Can another entity, other than federally recognized Tribes, apply for TTPSF?
No. An application can only be submitted by a federally recognized Tribe per 23 USC 202.

What types of projects can be funded by TTPSF?
TTPSF intends to fund projects that are expected to reduce the frequency and severity of fatal and serious injury incidents that result from use of transportation facilities. Proposed projects should fit into one or more of the categories of of safety planning, crash data improvement, road safety audits, or other eligible activities as listed in 23 USC 148(a)(4). Proposed projects must meet the same eligibility criteria as regular TTP funds as defined in 25 CFR 170.

What are examples of "leveraged private or other public funding"?
Funds expended for the PS&E development, in-kind work being performed using tribal staff time funded by other resources, staff time contributed to the project by other governments, donated meeting space for project activities, and leveraged funds from TTP Shares or another source are all examples of leveraged funding. No match is required for this grant.

What is considered "data" for the purposes of a TTPSF application?
The TTPSF application should include the best available incident data that accurately describes the transportation safety problems which will be addressed by the project. Although a listing of each crash in the data set may be provided as an appendix, the project narrative should summarize any crash history that is relevant to the project. Ideally the crash data summary will describe:

  • Quantity of crashes
  • Time period during which crashes occurred
  • Severity (fatal, injury, property damage only)
  • type of crashes, when relevant to the project
  • contributing factors that are relevant to the project (i.e. light conditions, weather, road condition, impaired driving, vehicle failure, etc.)

Source of crash data will vary greatly from one community to the next. Ideally an enforcement agency or department of transportation can provide you a listing of crashes for a 3-5 year timeframe. In some cases this information is not available and you may include emergency responder call logs, news articles, or statements about crashes that have been collected from the public.
Other non-incident data may also be beneficial to include when it helps to document a need for the project. Examples of non-incident data include seatbelt surveys, traffic volumes, pedestrian counts, citation records, and letters of support.

Is a resolution required to authorize an application?
No. FHWA does not require a resolution to accompany your application. However, some Tribal governments have internal policy for submitting grant applications which requires a resolution be adopted. For complete submission requirements for a TTP Safety Fund Application please reference the NOFA.

Is there a dollar limit for project requests?
No. There is no dollar limit for the TTPSF requests. However, the NOFA encourages applications with scalable requests to allow more Tribes to receive funding.

Do I need to attach my safety plan or RSA to my TTPSF application?
Yes, you must at least attach the pages of your safety plan which identify the strategy for which you are seeking funds.


Where can I find the eligibility list for the TTP Safety Fund?
Eligible projects for the TTP Safety Fund under the FAST Act include: development and revision of transportation safety plans, crash data improvement, road safety audits, and other activities, primarily infrastructure improvements, as listed in 23 U.S.C. 148(a)(4) which can be found online here.

Is the TTPSF limited to roadway safety or can projects address other modes of travel such as ATV safety?
All modes of travel are potentially eligible for TTPSF. The fund is designed to address transportation safety problems that are being experienced in Indian Country.

Can the TTPSF fund staff time for an existing program?
TTP funds cannot be used for ongoing program support per 2 CFR 200. However, staff time is an eligible expense for completion of a project identified in the application. For example, staff time is allowable for projects.

Can TTPSF pay for travel related to the project?
Costs for travel-related expenses are allowable, provided such expenses are for specific services benefiting the project.

Can TTPSF pay for Training expenses?
 Costs of training personnel (but not Federal civilian or military employees), for highway safety purposes are allowable when identified in a Tribe's safety plan. 
Development costs of new training curricula and materials are allowable if they do not duplicate materials already developed for similar purposes by U.S. DOT/NHTSA/FHWA or by States.  Costs are allowable to modify existing materials to meet particular instructional needs.
Costs are allowable for portable skid platforms and driving simulators.  However, proposed plans for this equipment must be part of a NHTSA-approved training program.

What items are specifically ineligible?
Automated traffic enforcement systems may not be purchased, operated, or maintained with TTPSF.
Training of employees of Federal civilian and Federal military agencies.
Supplanting, including: (a) replacing routine and/or existing State or local expenditures with Federal grant funds and/or (b) using Federal grant funds for costs of activities that constitute general expenses required to carry out the overall responsibilities of State, local, or Federally recognized Indian Tribal governments (2 CFR Part 225 Appendix B.19).

Normally provided police and fire services are ineligible. (2 CFR 200)

Alcoholic beverages for any consumption purposes or techniques for determining driver impairment are not allowable (See Part III, D.3.). (2 CFR Part 225 Appendix B 3)

Entertainment costs, including amusement and social activities and expenses directly associated with such costs (such as tickets to shows or sports events, meals, lodging, rentals, transportation, and gratuities). (2 CFR Part 225 Appendix B 14)

Construction, rehabilitation, or remodeling for any buildings or structures or for purchase of office furnishings and fixtures are not eligible for TTPSF.
 Examples of office furnishings and fixtures
• Chair                             • Bookcase                             • Portable Partition
• Table                            • Filing Cabinet                      • Picture, Wall Clock
• Shelving                       • Floor Covering                    • Draperies and Hardware
• Coat Rack                    • Office Planter                      • Fixed Lighting/Lamp

Additional Information

Does my data improvement project require sharing data with other governments?
It is mandatory that all fatal crash reports be shared with a state government for inclusion into the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) database. This information is used to generate national statistics that support transportation safety efforts such as the TTP Safety Fund.
For non-fatal crashes it is not required that the Tribe distribute any information. However, an ideal data improvement project will involve sharing all crash data with state government. Doing so may enable access to additional resources. In fact, some states are able to provide software and training for electronic crash reporting with significant cost savings to the Tribe.

What standards apply to purchases made with TTPSF dollars?
For purchases of the items listed below, the project application must document that the purchase will comply with the applicable standard. Costs for the following items are subject to compliance with any applicable standards and performance specifications and inclusion on the applicable Conforming Products List (CPL) established by NHTSA, the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), the American College of Surgeons, or by other nationally recognized standard-setting agencies.

  • All traffic control devices (such as signs and pavement markings) on public roadways are required to comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This manual can be found online at

Where can I obtain answers to additional questions?
Please email further questions to

For Additional Information