PHMSA Press Release 09-07
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Oct 1, 2007
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U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C.


PHMSA 9-07
Monday, October 1, 2007

Contact: Patricia Klinger, Joe Delcambre

$250,000 Grant Boosts Hazardous Materials Response Training Around the Nation

U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters today announced a $250,000 federal grant to the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) to provide training resources for instructors who conduct hazardous materials response training programs. The grant, issued as part of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) planning and training program, will benefit emergency responders across the country.

"Funding the training needs of America's emergency response community improves public safety," Secretary Peters said. "This funding will multiply the number of local responders who are then capable to respond quickly and appropriately to transportation-related hazardous materials incidents."

The HMEP grants program is funded by user fees paid by hazardous materials shippers and carriers. In 1995, the IAFF received its first federal grant of $250,000 and trained over 191 fire service instructors. Thus far in fiscal year 2007, approximately 250 fire service instructors have been trained.

The HMEP grants program provides states with funding annually to assist with emergency planning and training for public sector emergency response technicians. In fiscal year 2006, more than 176,000 emergency responders were trained nationwide through the use of HMEP grant funds. Over 1,600 local emergency planning committees received planning and training assistance.

More information on the HMEP grants program can be found at:

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