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FHWA Works: Careers in Motion - Trinette D. Ballard

Photo of Trinette D. Ballard

Full Name: Trinette D. Ballard
Title: Marketing and Communications Specialist
Division/Department: FHWA Florida Division
Location: Tallahassee, FL

  1. What is your current position and how long have you been in this role?
    I am a marketing and communications specialist at the Florida division office. I have been with FHWA for seven years.

  2. What is your typical workday like?
    A typical day consists of many conversations about status updates, controversial issues, and best practices for projects in the state; Lots of writing/emailing/data collection, analysis and reporting/decisions. Lots of smiles.

  3. What has been your biggest accomplishment over the last year?
    I led our division office through the Program Assessment, Risk Assessment and Unit Planning process for 2016. Additionally, I was selected to serve as the division's acting planning team leader for three months leading the Statewide Annual Assessment for 2014 and I was selected to work on special assignment with the Office of Transportation Performance Management.

  4. Prior to working at FHWA, what was the most unusual or interesting job you've ever had?
    I've had some really great jobs but probably the most interesting (prior to FHWA) was working as a television news producer. I worked for an NBC affiliate covering major news stories such as the Olympics Centennial Park Bombing in Atlanta, the O.J. Simpson Trial, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Blizzard of 1994 and the infamous tales leading up to Y2K.

  5. What are your hobbies in your spare time?
    I enjoy spending time with my family, watching movies, and completing word find puzzles.

  6. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned in your career to get you where you are today?
    I've learned that you must diversify your skill set. Although I came into this position with a strong background in media relations and community outreach, I quickly adapted to the transportation industry by remaining open to learning new skills and adjusting my talents to fulfill a range of goals set by the division and the agency.

  7. Complete this sentence: "People would be surprised if they knew..."
    I was a three-time spelling bee champion in school.

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  U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration - Careers in Motion  
Page last modified on September 15, 2015.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000