PHMSA Continues Aggressive Pipeline Safety Push with New PSA
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May 1, 2012
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Call 811 Before You Dig to 'Avoid A Grimm Situation'

As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation's commitment to pipeline safety, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood launched a public service announcement reminding everyone from backyard gardeners to professional excavators to call 811 toll-free before digging.

The national 811 toll-free telephone number should be used by anyone prior to digging so that underground pipelines and other utilities can be marked and thus avoided during construction, landscaping and other excavation projects. In recognition of the five-year anniversary of the Call 811 program, LaHood unveiled national TV and radio public service announcements reminding the public to "Avoid a Grimm Situation - Call 811 Before You Dig" and recognize advocates and retailers for their efforts to raise awareness of the program.

811 bike created by Paul Jr. Designs.

Actions that businesses, communities and the general public can take to promote 811 include:

Together with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, USDOT is engaging in a national education campaign promoting safe digging practices to prevent injuries and deaths associated with incidents from pipelines. There are 2.5 million miles of pipeline in our nation, and one-third of major pipeline accidents are caused by someone digging and hitting a pipeline by mistake, which can be fatal.