Freeway Management Program
photos of trucks right lane only sign, toll booth, HOV sign, and HOV lanes
21st century operations using 21st century technologies


mounted traffic camera and light

Freeway Operations and Traffic Management

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Configuration Management

  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems Handbook, FHWA-OP-04-013, EDL No. 13885 (HTML, PDF 5.15MB)
  • A Guide to Configuration Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems, FHWA-OP-02-048,EDL No. 13622
  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems Primer, FHWA-OP-04-014, EDL No. 13886 (HTML, PDF 468KB)
  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems Brochure, FHWA-OP-04-016, EDL No. 13888 (HTML, PDF 217KB)
  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems Fact Sheet, FHWA-OP-04-017, EDL No. 13889 (HTML, PDF 113KB)
  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems Technical Presentation (HTML, PPT 387KB)

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Transportation Management Centers (TMC)

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Ramp Management and Metering

  • Ramp Management and Control Handbook
    • Handbook, FHWA-HOP-06-001, EDL No. 14242 (HTML, PDF 7.3MB)
    • A Primer, FHWA-HOP-06-080 (HTML, PDF 2MB)
    • Brochure, FHWA-HOP-06-081 (HTML, PDF 361KB)
    • Project Fact Sheet, FHWA-HOP-06-082 (HTML, PDF 335KB)
    • Frequently Asked Questions, FHWA-HOP-06-083 (HTML, PDF 1.1MB)
  • Ramp Metering
    • Ramp Metering Primer, FHWA-HOP-14-020 (HTML, PDF 4.8MB)
    • Ramp Metering Informational Brief, FHWA-HOP-14-021 (HTML, PDF 1.7MB)
    • ATDM Analysis Brief #4: Example Application (Ramp Metering and Demand Management) of ATDM Capacity and Operations Analysis (2013), FHWA-HOP-13-037 (HTML, PDF 1.5MB)

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Managed Lanes and HOV Facilities

Managed Lanes

  • A Domestic Scan of Congestion Pricing and Managed Lanes (HTML, PDF 535KB) (Publication Number: FHWA-HEP-09-044) - The purpose of this project was to conduct a scan of selected Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State Departments of Transportation (State DOTs) to determine how they are planning for congestion pricing and managed lanes.
  • Efficient Use of Highway Capacity Summary (HTML, PDF 4.6MB) - This report was developed to summarize the implementation of safety shoulders as travel lanes as a method to increase the efficient use of highway capacity. Its purpose is to provide a succinct overview of efforts to use left or right shoulder lanes as temporary or interim travel lanes. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-10-023)
  • High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Marketing Toolkit
  • Impact of Exempt Vehicles on Managed Lanes, January 2015, FHWA-HOP-14-006 (HTML, PDF 2.4MB)
  • Managed Lanes: A Cross-Cutting Study, November 2004, FHWA-HOP-05-037 (HTML, PDF 1.5MB)
  • Managed Lanes: A Primer, FHWA-HOP-05-031 (HTML, PDF 2.2MB)
  • "Moving Forward with Managed Lane," Resource CD Toolbox, FHWA-HOP-07-030 - This toolbox includes a 10-minute video on an overview of managed lanes concept including highlights of real world applications. Contact for a copy.
  • National Road Pricing Conference - The conference was held on June 2-4, 2010 in Houston, Texas. The conference brought together transportation policy makers and practitioners who are interested in pursuing pricing projects in their communities. Included within this report are conference proceedings providing a description of the panel presentations and discussions.
  • Policy Options Evaluation Tool for Managed Lanes (POET-ML) Users Guide and Methodology Description (HTML, PDF 1.7MB) - Intended for an audience of transportation professionals responsible for planning, designing, funding, operating, enforcing, monitoring, and managing HOV and HOT lanes, and considering conversion of HOV to HOT lanes. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-09-031)
  • Priced Managed Lane Guide, October 2012, FHWA-HOP-13-007 (HTML, PDF 3.5MB)
  • Public Roads Article: Managed Lanes, November 2004
  • Use of Freeway Shoulders for Travel — Guide for Planning, Evaluating, and Designing Part-Time Shoulder Use as a Traffic Management Strategy, February 2016 , FHWA-HOP-15-023

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HOV Facilities

  • 13th International HOV/HOT Systems Conference: Partnerships for Innovation - Conference Proceedings (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-10-008) (HTML, PDF 550KB)
  • A Review of HOV Lane Performance and Policy Options in the United States - Final Report (HTML, PDF 2.4MB) (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-09-029) - The report provides an assessment of performance of existing HOV lane facilities in the United States, and explores policy alternatives and effects related to conversion of existing HOV lanes to HOT lane operations.
  • A Compendium of Existing HOV Lane Facilities in the United States (HTML, PDF 2.1MB) (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-09-030) - The compendium provides an assembly of available information on existing HOV lane facilities in the United States. The compendium is intended as a reference resource for an audience of transportation professionals responsible for planning, designing, funding, operating, enforcing, monitoring, and managing HOV and HOT lanes, and other stakeholders in policy decisions for improving HOV lane and highway mainline operations through conversion to HOT lanes.
  • Considerations for High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane to High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Conversions Guidebook (HTML, PDF 2.2MB) - The intent of this study is to explore the planning, design, and ongoing operation and maintenance of HOT facilities and to provide lessons learned and applicable technical guidance that will assist the state and local transportation planners and designers in determining the conditions where HOV conversion to HOT lanes is feasible. The guidebook provides a summary of the best practices and lessons learned from those HOT facilities currently in operation.
  • Federal-Aid Highway Program Guidance on High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - September 2016
  • Houston Managed Lanes Case Study: The Evolution of the Houston HOV System (HTML, PDF 827KB)
  • New Jersey I-80 & I-287 HOV Lane Case Study: Executive Edition, EDL No. 13157 (PDF 99.5 KB)
  • New Jersey I-80 & I-287 HOV Lane Case Study, EDL No. 12963 (PDF 260KB)
  • Effects of Changing HOV Lane Occupancy Requirements: El Monte Busway Case Study, FHWA-OP-03-002, EDL No. 13692 (HTML, PDF 2.43MB)
  • Executive Report: Effects of Changing HOV Lane Occupancy Requirements: El Monte Busway Case Study, FHWA-OP-03-001, EDL No. 13679 (HTML, PDF 1.33MB)
  • An Assessment of HOV Facilities in America, August 1992 (PDF 1.3MB)
  • HOV Marketing Manual, April 1994 (PDF 56KB)
  • Operational Design Guidelines for HOV Lanes in Arterial Roadways, November 1994 (PDF 3.9MB)
  • Predicting HOV Lane Demand, August 1996 (PDF 4.2MB)
  • Use of Videotape in HOV Lane Surveillance and Enforcement, March 1990 (PDF 4.1MB)
  • HOV Lane Violation Study, January 1990 (PDF 4.2MB)
  • HOV System Development in the U.S., December 1990 (PDF 886KB)
  • 12th International HOV Systems Conference: Conference Proceedings (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-06-002) (HTML, PDF 1.2MB)
  • Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on High-Occupancy Vehicle Systems, October 2002, Publication Number: FHWA-OP-03-100, EDL No. 13810 (HTML, PDF 2.25MB)

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Office of Operations