Press Release

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News Digest DOT 17-15

Maritime Administration Implements Certification of Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Training Program Providers.  The Maritime Administration has begun certifying cruise vessel security and safety training program providers.  As part of the voluntary certification, MARAD will review training plans and supporting information for consistency with training standards established under the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010, which imposes new security and safety standards on cruise ships.  MARAD will issue certifications effective for five years to successful training provider applicants, and will list certified training organizations on its website.  Additional information about the process to obtain the new certification can be found at Contact:  Kim Strong (202) 366-5807.

PHMSA Extends Compliance Date for Lithium Battery Hazardous Materials Rule. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is extending the mandatory compliance date of a final rule published on August 6, 2014 for the transportation of lithium batteries from February 6, 2015 until August 7, 2015.  This revision is made in response to formal comments received from multiple stakeholders outlining challenges in fully implementing the final rule by February 6, 2015.  The original compliance date of February 6, 2015 remains in place for offering, accepting and transporting by aircraft. The final rule revised hazard communication and packaging provisions for lithium batteries to harmonize the Hazardous Materials Regulations with international standards.  The compliance extension allows shippers to incorporate the new requirements into standard operating procedures and complete training of affected personnel.  For more information go to:  Contact for media: Joe Delcambre (202) 493-0730.

DOT 17-15

Monday, February 23, 2015
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