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Types of Permits

General Permits

  • Nationwide Permit

A Nationwide Permit is a general permit that authorizes activities similar in nature and were created to expedite the permit evaluation process for projects with minimal individual and cumulative impacts to aquatic resources.

 Nationwide Permits

  • Regional Permit

A Regional Permit is a general permit that authorizes activities similar in nature and has minimal individual and cumulative impacts on aquatic resources, but does not meet the criteria to qualify for a Nationwide Permit.  This type of permit is developed at the District level on an “as needed” basis and applies to a specific region.  

AML RGP issued Sept 2007


RGP Stream Restoration Landowner

RGP WVCA post-disaster work

Standard Permits

  • Individual Permit

An Individual Permit is a type of standard permit that authorizes activities that may cause more than minimal adverse effects to the aquatic environment.  The evaluation process for Individual Permits involves a public comment period, coordination with other State and Federal agencies, as well as a full public interest review.

  • Letter of Permission under Section 10

A Letter of Permission (LOP) is a type of standard permit that is issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize projects when the proposed activities would have only minor impacts on the environment and navigation, and when the proposal has little to no opposition.   Proposed activities evaluated as LOPs are coordinated with other State and Federal agencies, but do not have the more extensive public involvement and overall evaluation as in the Individual Permit process.