Environmental Review Toolkit
Accelerating Project Delivery

FHWA/Gallup Study on Implementing Performance Measurement
in Environmental Streamlining

Implementing Performance Measurement in Environmental Streamlining, January 2004

In 2003, The Gallup Organization, on behalf of the Federal Highway Agencies (FHWA), conducted a baseline measurement to better understand the workings of resource and transportation agencies in streamlining their environmental review processes. Three years after the baseline survey and two transportation bills after from ISTEA, FHWA continues to work on improving the environmental streamlining process.

January 2004 Report Information

Implementing Performance Measurement in Environmental Streamlining, May 2007

In 2006, Gallup was hired to conduct a second wave of the streamlining measurement survey to assess any changes that occurred during this time. The Gallup Organization has undertaken a second wave of the environmental streamlining survey to provide comparative data for regions to gauge their own performance.

May 2007 Report Information

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