Decision Guide

Using the Decision Guide
  • Browse using the hover content for a broad understanding of the transportation process
  • Dive into a single key decision to see different issues and interests that are considered in decision making
  • Ask and answer questions like: "Is our process missing any of these key decisions?" or "Do all of our partners and stakeholders understand these key decisions?"
  • Compare an existing process to the details in a key decision to see what could be changed to enhance collaboration

The Decision Guide streamlines the transportation process by systematically building in collaboration. It was developed using examples of successful practice and with input from all partners in transportation decision making. Each key decision from long range planning through permitting is represented by a folder.

Hover over a key decision for a brief snapshot of its purpose.
Click on a folder to find the purpose and outcome, roles, questions that support decision making, data needs, input from stakeholders, and more.

How does the Decision Guide support other information on PlanWorks?

The Decision Guide is the hub of PlanWorks—everything is connected to it. The Decision Guide is supported by and was initially developed from many of the Case Studies available in the Library. Individual issues identified in Assessments can be addressed by applying techniques found in the Decision Guide. Applications (accessible through the menu bar) help practitioners consider topics like land use planning, freight, greenhouse gas, and others using a subset of key decisions. Each of these aspects of PlanWorks is built on the essential information in the Decision Guide.

How was the Decision Guide envisioned and created?

The Decision Guide was envisioned under the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2). The SHRP 2 Capacity Program recognized that collaboration is essential to making transportation decisions with the power to stick. From this concept the C01 Project, A Collaborative Decision Making Framework for Highway Projects Adding Capacity, was developed. C01 is the centerpiece project for the Capacity Program, with many of the additional research projects identified for integration into the Collaborative Decision Making Framework. Over time, the Collaborative Decision Making Framework (CDMF) has become the Decision Guide.

The Decision Guide was developed from 23 in-depth, detailed case studies of innovative practices in collaborative transportation decision making; six workshops bringing together partners and stakeholders of the transportation decision making process; and an extensive process of review and refinement. The Decision Guide is meant to be a useful tool that will advance the state of the practice in transportation decision making. Using actual examples and input from practitioners to identify the barriers, success factors, and structure of successful collaborative decision making in practice, the Decision Guide will speak to real needs and will help practitioners implement collaborative processes on a broad scale.