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Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse

State/Local Climate Action Plans

State and Regional Initiatives

2011 Climate Action Strategy for San Francisco's Transportation System (PDF 2.70 mb)
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
The Climate Action Strategy (CAS) is a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to climate planning for transportation and outlines six symbiotic GHG reduction strategies: three demand management strategies that reduce auto travel demand (Travel Choices Information, Demand Pricing, Transit Oriented Development) and three infrastructure strategies that support mode shift and low carbon vehicles (Transit, Complete Streets, Electric Vehicle Charging)
2011 MTA Sustainability Report: More MTA = Less CO2 (PDF 1.22 mb)
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
This report highlights some of the sustainability projects implemented and presents MTA's third-party verified greenhouse gas inventory report to The Climate Registry ( for calendar year 2009.
Answering the Oregon Challenge: Climate Change (2008) (PDF 65kb)
Ted Kulongoski
This paper outlines Gov. Kulongoski's agenda concerning the issue of climate change. It addresses several key topics: greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation.
California Climate Action Registry
California Climate Action Registry
The California Climate Action Registry is a voluntary GHG registry aimed at protecting and promoting early actions to reduce GHG emissions by organizations in California. The site includes a number of protocols developed to assist members and verifiers in the process of calculating, reporting, and verifying an emissions inventory.
California Climate Change Portal Website
This website provides background information and news releases from California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program
Ohio Department of Development
The DERG is intended to reduce the financial barriers to deploying clean diesel technology for public and private sector owners of diesel equipment operating within Ohio's air quality non-attainment counties.
Global Climate Change and its Impact on Minnesota (Feb. 2009)
The main portal by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on climate change and its impact in Minnesota.
HOV Lanes and Climate Change (2009)
Washington State Department of Transportation
This Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT) web site provides information on how High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Midwestern Governors Association
The Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that brings together the governors of 12 states to work cooperatively on public policy issues of significance to the Midwestern region. The MGA was created in December 1962, when articles of organization were adopted at the first annual meeting in Chicago. The members of our association include the governors of the following 12 Midwestern states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
National Association of Clean Air Agencies
This website provide up-to-date information on state and regional climate change/greenhouse gas (GHG) initiatives by providing links to state and local air agencies across the nation.
National Capital Regional Climate Change Report (2008) (PDF 2.2mb)
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
This report includes significant greenhouse gas reduction goals for the region and recommendations to help area leaders and citizens meet the targets.
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
This website provides guidance on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in the Puget Sound region. It provides links to information on vehicle choices, fuel choices, transportation choices, and no-idle zones.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation Sources in Minnesota (2009)
University of Minnesota, Center for Transportation Studies
Provides press release, video, summary report and final report about the study done for the Minnesota Legislature.
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
The RGGI is a cooperative effort by Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. One of RGGI's efforts is to develop a regional strategy for controlling emissions, especially through the implementation of a multi-state cap-and-trade program, promoting a market-based emissions trading system.
Transportation and Land Use Technical Work Group (2009)
Kansas Energy & Environmental Policy Advisory Group
Washington State Climate Change Initiatives
Washington State Department of Ecology
Washington has already taken steps toward reducing emissions and building a clean energy economy. Learn more about Washington's actions to mitigate climate change on this site.
Western Climate Initiative
The Western Climate Initiative is a collaboration which was launched in February 2007 by the Governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington to develop regional strategies to address climate change. WCI is identifying, evaluating and implementing collective and cooperative ways to reduce greenhouse gases in the region. In the spring of 2007, the Governor of Utah and the Premiers of British Columbia and Manitoba joined the Initiative. Montana joined in January, 2008, Quebec moved from Observer to Partner status in April, 2008 and Ontario became a Partner in July, 2008. Other U.S. and Mexican states and Canadian provinces have joined as observers. The Western Climate Initiative has created a map showing Partners and Observers.

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