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Data and Analysis Technical Assistance Program
Quarterly Technical Webinars
The Roadway Safety Data Program hosts quarterly webinars on technical safety data and analysis topics as part of the Data & Analysis Technical Assistance Program. These webinars are free of charge, and are intended for practitioners looking gain additional knowledge about technical issues. All webinars will be recorded and kept on this website for future review. Please see the links below for upcoming webinar announcements and recordings of past webinars.

If you would like to suggest a topic for a quarterly webinar, please contact Bob Pollack at robert.pollack@dot.gov.

Upcoming Technical Webinars


June 23, 2015

2:00 – 3:30 PM EDT


Completed Webinars

Using FHWA's NEW Roadway Safety Data and Analysis Toolbox

December 9, 2014

2:00-3:30 PM EDT

Presenters: Dr. Frank Gross (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.) and Geni Bahar (NAVIGATS Inc.).

Webinar Transcripts [PDF, 99KB]

There is an ever-increasing need for data-driven decision-making, and several tools have been developed to support this aspect of the safety management process. However, it can be challenging to find the right tool for the job. In some cases, particularly for those new to highway safety, it is tough to even know where to begin. FHWA has developed a Toolbox to help users find the appropriate tools for their specific data needs and capabilities. In this context, tools include application guides, information guides, databases, information sources, and software. The Toolbox includes a search engine to identify tools related to safety management and decision-making, data collection, data management, data analysis, and research. This webinar introduces the Toolbox, and demonstrates how to use the search engine and apply built-in filters to narrow the list of applicable tools. The webinar also introduces a new document titled "A Primer on the Safety Data and Analysis Toolbox" that has been developed to accompany the Toolbox. The Primer serves as an umbrella document that provides a high-level overview of the safety management process, a detailed look at specific tasks within the safety management process, and the various tools available to support the individual tasks. The Primer aims to help novice users better understand how the various types of tools can be used. The presenters are Dr. Frank Gross (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.) and Geni Bahar (NAVIGATS Inc.)

Target Audience: The webinar is ideal for safety analysts, engineers and planners who are involved in bringing safety data together from various sources for analysis.

view webinar recording

State and Local Agency Safety Data Integration Experiences

September 18, 2014

2:00 – 3:30 PM EDT

Presenter(s): Dr. Tim Colling (Michigan Technological University), David Blackstone (Ohio DOT), Brian Hurst (Tennessee DOT), and Susie Forde (Wisconsin DOT)

Webinar Transcripts [PDF, 79.6KB]

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core Federal-aid program whose purpose is to achieve a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. MAP-21 legislation, in describing the data capabilities a state should have to support its HSIP, emphasizes integrating data sets to provide the information states need to develop and implement an effective safety program. With the requirement that the state's safety program cover all public roads, it is essential that data on local roadways be considered when the state is developing their HSIP. Integrating crash data with roadway inventory data provides a rich foundation from which advanced analyses can be conducted to develop effective strategies for reducing crashes. A challenge arises when States and local agencies try to integrate their roadway datasets together in a cohesive database. Fortunately, there are several recent examples of states and local agencies attempting to integrate their roadway data. This webinar presents experiences from four different states, as well as discussion among participants. The presenters are Dr. Tim Colling (Michigan Technological University), David Blackstone (Ohio DOT), Brian Hurst (Tennessee DOT), and Susie Forde (Wisconsin DOT).

Target Audience: The webinar is ideal for safety analysts, engineers and planners who are involved in bringing safety data together from various sources for analysis.

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Comparing Systemic Safety Analysis Approaches

June 3, 2014

2:00 – 3:30 PM EST

Presenter(s): Reg Souleyrette (University of Kentucky), Dough Harwood (MRI Global)

Webinar Transcripts [PDF, 98KB]

Safety data analysis and countermeasure selection are critical functions for transportation agencies and planning organizations but understanding analytical methodology options can be a challenge. This webinar provides an overview of three approaches to safety analysis: United States Road Assessment Program (usRAP), Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool (SSPST), and Roadway Safety Audits (RSA). The benefits and challenges of each methodology are discussed and the results of a recent study from the University of Kentucky comparing the three methodologies are presented.

Target Audience: The webinar is ideal for safety analysts, engineers and planners who deal with safety analysis and design. Current understanding or experience with the approaches is not a prerequisite for participation.

view webinar recording

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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000