Gas Transmission Integrity Management

Gas IM Menu

Home Page Photo This site is administered by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). It provides information concerning the Gas Transmission Integrity Management Rule (49 CFR Part 192, Subpart O), commonly referred to as the “Gas IM Rule.” The Gas IM Rule specifies how pipeline operators must identify, prioritize, assess, evaluate, repair and validate the integrity of gas transmission pipelines that could, in the event of a leak or failure, affect High Consequence Areas (HCAs) within the United States. HCAs include certain populated and occupied areas.

For an overview of the progress being made under the Gas IM Rule, please see our Performance Measures page. There you will find graphs and charts, which depict progress and other aspects of rule implementation. You will also find a link to the data provided by pipeline operators in accordance with this rule.

Other links on the left provide a great deal of additional information, including an operator IM process flowchart and a fact sheet that summarizes key requirements of the Gas IM Rule; details of the Gas IM Rule itself; FAQs; and other information useful in more fully understanding the Gas IM Rule.

When continuing implementation of the Gas IM Rule results in rule revisions, new interpretations, or expanded clarifications, this site is updated to reflect those developments.