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U.S. Department
of Transportation

Pipeline Safety Stakeholder Communications

Pipeline Safety Connects Us All

Fact Sheet: National Pipeline Mapping System

What is it?

The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) is a geographic information system (GIS) dataset that contains the locations and selected attributes of natural gas transmission lines, hazardous liquid trunk lines, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants operating in onshore and offshore territories of the United States which are under the jurisdiction of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The NPMS was established through a joint government-industry effort of PHMSA, other federal and state agencies, and the pipeline industry. Federal regulations in 49 CFR § 192 and 49 CFR § 195 require gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipeline operators, as well as operators of LNG plants, to submit their data annually to the NPMS.

NPMS data is viewable at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov. Public Viewer users may view one county’s NPMS data per session through the Public Viewer application. Government officials may apply for a username and password to use the NPMS PIMMA portal, which will display NPMS data within their jurisdiction.

How is it used?

NPMS information resources are available to assist pipeline operators, state pipeline regulators, Federal and state government agencies, and the public. These resources support the following activities:

  • Emergency response support; over 4,000 emergency responders have access to NPMS data or maps.
  • PHMSA and state inspections of operator Integrity Management programs (using online and offline mapping applications giving the locations of liquid pipelines and High Consequence Areas).
  • State regulator development of GIS (using downloaded data on pipeline locations and High Consequence Areas in the state).
  • Liquid pipeline operators’ identification of pipeline segments that are subject to the Integrity Management rule (using downloaded data on the locations of High Consequence Areas).
  • Queries by members of the public to find out which hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipeline companies operate pipelines in a specific county or ZIP code.

Where Can I Learn More?

To get more information about pipelines in your area, including maps, visit the NPMS website at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov. The spatial accuracy of pipeline data in the NPMS is +/-500 feet. Therefore, the NPMS data is for reference purposes only and should never be used as a substitute for contacting your One-Call center prior to digging or excavation activities. Call 811 to contact your local One-Call center before all digging or excavation activities.

Date of Revision: 10/09/2015