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Promoting Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety to Hispanic Audiences

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Task Order Number: SA06B030

Submitted to:

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Safety Programs, HSA-20
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590

Submitted by:

Science Applications International Corporation
McLean, VA 22102

November 30, 2005

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Quality Assurance Statement
Form DOT F1700.7
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Marketing Plan
  2.1 Audience
  2.2 Safety Issues to Include in Campaign
  2.3 Messages
  2.4 Materials/Media
  2.5 Suggested Methods of Dissemination of Materials
Appendix A Steps Taken to Develop the Marketing Plan
Appendix B FHWA/NTTSSA/Project Team Teleconference
Appendix C Preliminary Outreach Materials
Appendix D Focus Group Testing of Outreach Materials
Appendix E Revised Outreach Materials
Appendix F References

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Page last modified on January 31, 2013.
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