Template Details: Overview

Template Library Overview

The FLH Template Library has been developed with FLH CADD Standards to provide the user with a basic foundation of pre-assembled Components, End Conditions, and Templates. Within the Templates folder of the library, there is a FLH Standard Templates Folder that contains 25 various Templates that have been created using Components and End Conditions from throughout the library. These templates contained within the library serve as examples for common types of projects; However, new typical sections can be created from modifying existing templates and adding components from within the library. This library can be saved and modified to meet the needs of any project. The Template Library Organizer tool is available to extract templates from one library to another. This way if a component or template from a specific Project Template Library is considered viable for use on many projects, it can be incorporated into the default FLH Template Library.

Below is an image that represents the FLH Template Library folder structure - click on a folder to access specific Component, End Condition, or Template details.

Template Library Folder Structure Library Folder - Barrier Library Folder - Curbs Library Folder - Guardrail Widening Library Folder - Medians Library Folder - Misc Library Folder - Overlay Library Folder - Paved Ditch Library Folder - Pavement Library Folder - Retaining Walls Library Folder - Shoulders Library Folder - Sidewalk Library Folder - Daylight Slope Library Folder - Ditch Library Folder - Fill Library Folder - Slope Tables Library Folder - Slope Tables Library Folder - New Pavement Divided Library Folder - New Pavement Undivided Library Folder - Overlay Widening Divided Library Folder - Overlay Widening Undivided


There are 25 pre-assembled Templates within the FLH Template Library. New Pavement - Divided, New Pavement - Undivided, Overlay and Widening - Divided, and Overlay and Widening - Undivided. When using the template library, some properties of these templates can be revealed by selecting the Active Template tab and by using the Display options (as shown in the image below).

A Template generates the transverse geometry that is central to roadway design. In Roadway Designer, the templates are assigned to specific stations along the mainline alignment at a specific interval, which are called template drops. The Roadway Designer will connect the points of the template drops, forming a model of the roadway, which will be made into a surface model.

A Template is comprised of a series of points and components that represent breakline features that are later processed using the Roadway Designer command. Roadway features that have been processed are saved to the design surface. Ultimately, these features stored in the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) file (.dtm) are used to compute quantities and layout roadway elements. Templates are stored in an XML format Template Library file (.itl).

NOTE:  Changes and/or additions will be made in a separate .itl file for project specific design. Changes and/or additions will not be made to the default FLH Template Library without authorization.

The Template Library can be shared by many people, but it must be accessed as read only when it is being shared. A specific Project Template Library will be created for each project and the appropriate templates will be saved to that library so they can be modified to meet the specific needs of the project.

To create or edit a Template Library, click the Open Create Template icon on the Corridor Modeling dialog. This opens the Create Template dialog, which is the primary place where templates are created and edited. This is also where templates are copied from a standard template library to a project template library using Tools > Template Library Organizer.

Corridor Modeler dialog with icons explained

Below is an image that represents the Create Template dialog.

Create Template dialog

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