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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

General Observations
Lessons for the United States
Implementation Strategies and Recommendations

Chapter One—Introduction

Scan Context
Panel Composition
Organizations Visited
Report Organization

Chapter Two—Key Findings

Vancouver, British Columbia
Brisbane, Queensland
Sydney, New South Wales
Melbourne, Victoria
New Zealand

Chapter Three—Safety: From Platitudes to Performance

Step 1: Understand the Problem
Step 2: Establish Institutional Leadership, Responsibility, and Accountability
Step 3: Define Desired Outcomes
Step 4: Identify Performance Indicators
Step 5: Compare With Other Experiences
Step 6: Develop and Implement a Systematic Safety Data Collection and Analysis Process
Step 7: Develop a Safety Plan and Integrate it into Agency Decision Making
Step 8: Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation Strategies and Actions

Chapter Four—Observations and Lessons Learned

General Observations
Lessons for the United States

Chapter Five—Implementation Strategies and Recommendations

Appendix A—Scan Team Members

Appendix B—Amplifying Questions

Appendix C—New Zealand Transit Strategic Plan

List of Figures and Tables


Figure 1. Results chain for Transport Canada.
Figure 2. Relationship of performance scorecard factors to TransLink decisions.
Figure 3. Performance management in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation in Japan.
Figure 4. Visualization of performance data in Japan.
Figure 4a. Congestion on a beltway in Tokyo.
Figure 4b. Congestion on an urban arterial.
Figure 5. Identification of priority locations for safety countermeasures in Japan.
Figure 6. Determining consequences of project implementation in Japan.
Figure 7. Visualization of network performance data in Japan.
Figure 8. Austroads' congestion indicator for states.
Figure 9. Relationship of performance indicators to agency decision making in

Figure 10. Strategic framework for road system asset management in Queensland.
Figure 11. Performance- related data for network and route planning in Queensland.
Figure 11a. Route performance report.
Figure 11b. Network performance report.
Figure 12. Performance planning framework for the Roads and Traffic Authority in New South Wales.
Figure 13. Rural highway performance in New South Wales.
Figure 14. Sample presentation of asset management information in New South Wales.
Figure 15. Results logic for performance monitoring used by the New South Wales Department of Treasury.
Figure 16. Monitoring intersection delay in Sydney.
Figure 17. Post- construction review process in New South Wales.
Figure 18. Role of performance measurement in corporate planning in Victoria.
Figure 19. Illustrative reporting of key DOI performance indicators in Victoria.
Figure 20. Performance- based management activities at VicRoads .
Figure 21. Business plan development for VicRoads .
Figure 22. VicRoads ' safety targets.
Figure 23. Examples of congestion reporting in Victoria.
Figure 23a. System performance measurements.
Figure 23b. Freeway performance measurements.
Figure 24. Role of performance measures in management decision making in New Zealand.
Figure 25. Hierarchical relationship of safety performance measures in New Zealand.
Figure 26. Safety management system's impact on planning and decision making.
Figure 27. Record of road fatalities in New South Wales and Victoria.
Figure 27a. New South Wales road crash toll.
Figure 27b. Victoria road crash toll.
Figure 28. Crash research results in Victoria.
Figure 29. Ranking crash- related factors in Queensland.
Figure 30. Example of crash data comparison by VicRoads .
Figure 31. Creating road safety knowledge from data at VicRoads .
Figure 32. Safety program analysis in New Zealand.
Figure 33. Assessing effectiveness of implemented actions.
Figure 33a. Effectiveness of safety actions in Queensland.
Figure 33b. Effectiveness of safety actions in Victoria.
Figure 34. Impact of speed camera enforcement on road speeds in Melbourne.


Table 1. Linkage among objectives, outcomes, and indicators at Transport Canada.
Table 2. Performance measures for the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation.
Table 3. TransLink 's performance scorecard.
Table 4. Core performance indicators in Japan.
Table 5. Relationship among Main Roads' outputs and government outcomes.
Table 6. Strategic objectives and corresponding performance measures.
Table 8. Change in performance terminology in New South Wales.
Table 9. Seventeen safety challenges for VicRoads .
Table 10. Congestion measurement in Wellington.
Table 11. Relationship between asset management and transit New Zealand's goals.
Table 12. Comparison of different maintenance business models in New Zealand.

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