Portfolio Management Icon

Portfolio Management

Doc IconAMS Policy Section 1.2.4

The FAA manages its investment and operational assets as portfolios to ensure they work together efficiently to achieve agency strategic and service goals.

What Must Be Done

Multiple organizations work continuously to sustain and update agency portfolios each year.

Who Does It

  • Service organizations establish service portfolios;
  • Lines of business establish LOB portfolios;
  • Functional organizations organize functional portfolios;
  • Multiple agency organizations work together to establish the FAA budget portfolio each year;
  • FAA Enterprise Architecture Board oversees the FAA Enterprise Architecture; and
  • NextGen organization manages the NSIP portfolio

Who Approves

The Administrator approves the FAA budget and Enterprise Architecture.

The NextGen Management Board approves the NSIP portfolio.

Lines of business approve LOB and service portfolios.

Key Outputs and Products


Internal Links
External Links