WFLHD Highway Design Forms

These forms are used in the Western Federal Lands Highway Division. See the Templates for plan sheet forms.

Design Documentation Forms

These forms are prepared for each project during the design process:

  • Word Icon Design Book Index  (Word, 30 KB) - Index for Design Book with typical items included in each section. (Rev 5/2015)
  • Word Icon Design Narrative  (Word, 22 KB) - Documents information about the project for use during construction. (Rev 12/2006)
  • Excel Icon GEOPAK Tracking Document  (Excel, 31 KB) - Used for tracking project-specific GEOPAK information. (Rev 1/2014) See the Acrobat Icon example tracking document  (Acrobat, 24 KB).
  • Excel Icon QA/QC Checklist  (Excel, 507 KB) - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Checklist for all design phases. (Rev 3/2013)
  • Word Icon WFLHD-3  (Word, 32 KB) - Highway Design Standards form to be completed once line and grade are set (Plan-in-Hand). (Rev 10/2016)  New
  • Word Icon Signoff Book Cover  (Word, 83 KB) - Cover for Signoff Book
  • Word Icon Signoff Package to PS&E Checklist  (Word, 41 KB) - Documents and conditions that must be met prior to forwarding package to PS&E for sign-off. (Rev 4/2016)   New See also Supplement 9.6.1‑1.
  • Word Icon WFLHD-2  (Word, 49 KB) - PS&E Assembly and Review form to be completed for Signoff. (Rev 4/2016)  New
  • Word Icon External Distribution List  (Word, 20 KB) - Listing of external agencies who will receive copies of the solicitation. (Rev 2/2012)
  • Word Icon PE Hold File Checklist  (Word, 24 KB) - Checklist for transmittal of design information to Construction to be completed prior to award date. (Rev 7/2010)   Attach the Word Icon Important Notice Letter  (Word, 51 KB) when including CADD files.

Miscellaneous forms