Focus Areas

Active Transportation

This focus page contains resources for bicycle and pedestrian planning, and other non-motorized transportation modes, including guidelines and design standards, case studies and ideas for integrated planning, funding strategies, and other helpful tools.

Resources and Publications

  • The Transportation Planning Process: Key Issues A Briefing Notebook for Transportation Decision makers, Officials, and Staff   NEW!
    The Briefing Notebook is a primer for transportation decisionmakers and stakeholders. It provides government officials, planning board members, transportation service providers, and the public at large with an overview of transportation planning in metropolitan settings. Along with a basic understanding of the key concepts, the notebook provides references for additional information. Part I discusses transportation planning and its relationship to decisionmaking. Part II presents short descriptions of key products that are prepared as part of the transportation planning process. This book was updated in 2015 to reflect recent changes in Federal legislation.
  • Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning Handbook   NEW!
    This handbook is designed to help State departments of transportation (DOTs) develop or update State pedestrian and bicycle plans. Based on research including interviews with nine State DOTs and critical evaluations of documents from 15 States, this handbook covers statewide planning from plan inception and scoping to engaging stakeholders and the general public; developing goals, objectives and strategies; collecting and analyzing data; linking to the larger statewide transportation planning process; and implementation. For each stage of the planning process, this handbook uses recent experiences and noteworthy practices from DOTs around the country, helping inform a new generation of statewide nonmotorized planning and implementation.
  • Statewide Transportation Planning for Healthy Communities   NEW!
    This white paper, the second in a series from FHWA, presents insights and a flexible framework for State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) that choose to integrate public health considerations into their transportation planning and decision-making. It draws from five case studies of DOTs and their partners, and builds on the project team’s previous white paper in this series, which focused on metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and the metropolitan area transportation planning process.
  • AASHTO's Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition provides information on how to accommodate bicycle travel and operations in most riding environments. It is intended to present sound guidelines that result in facilities that meet the needs of bicyclists and other highway users.
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Planning Guidance This document offers technical guidance on meeting the Federal requirements for consideration and appropriate inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian elements in Statewide and MPO transportation plans and TIPs.
  • FHWA Bicycle & Pedestrian Program offers both Publications and Resources web links providing insight into the planning and decision process common to building an intermodal transportation system that focuses on accessibility and safety.
  • FTA Bicycles and Transit webpage provides general information on planning and eligibility of bicycle facilities to promote access to transit stations by bicycle.
  • Funding Information as identified in Federal surface transportation law provides tremendous flexibility to States and MPOs to fund bicycle and pedestrian improvements from a wide variety of programs.
  • Model Design Manual for Living Streets is a customizable design guide to help communities improve their transportation facilities for all users.
  • The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide provides cities with state-of-the-practice solutions that can help create complete streets that are safe and enjoyable for bicyclists.
  • Report to the U.S. Congress on the Outcomes of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program SAFETEA-LU Section 1807 (April 2012)

Click here to access a full list of Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance related to bicycle and pedestrian planning on the TPCB website.

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