Tribal Transportation Program Delivery Guide

The Tribal Transportation Program Delivery Guide is currently being revised by the FHWA TTP Team. The updated version is forthcoming.

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Guide Sections

  1. Purpose of the Program Delivery Guide  (Acrobat, 17 KB)
  2. Introduction  (Acrobat, 120 KB)
  3. Program Agreements (PA)  (Acrobat, 124 KB)
  4. Referenced Funding Agreements (RFA)  (Acrobat, 30 KB)
  5. Funding  (Acrobat, 23 KB)
  6. Allowable Uses of Program Funds  (Acrobat, 31 KB)
  7. Transportation Planning  (Acrobat, 92 KB)
  8. Project Charters  (Acrobat, 40 KB)
  9. NEPA and Other Environmental Requirements  (Acrobat, 202 KB)
  10. Right-of-Way (ROW)  (Acrobat, 37 KB)
  11. Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) Development  (Acrobat, 97 KB)
  12. Construction Bid Advertisement, and Contract Award and Administration  (Acrobat, 87 KB)
  13. Construction  (Acrobat, 76 KB)
  14. Maintenance  (Acrobat, 28 KB)
  15. Reporting Requirements  (Acrobat, 38 KB)
  16. Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) - Bridge Program  (Acrobat, 48 KB)
  17. Tribal High Priority Projects (THPP) Program  (Acrobat, 26 KB)
  18. Safety Programs  (Acrobat, 74 KB)
  19. Other Federal-Aid Programs  (Acrobat, 21 KB)
  20. Summary of Required Forms and Certifications  (Acrobat, 33 KB)
  21. Appendix A - Exhibits for the Chapters  (Acrobat, 2.37 MB)