

Letter to Ranking Member Issa Regarding the Status of Open Audit Recommendations

Project ID: 


On April 23, we responded to Congressman Darrell Issa's March 24, 2010 letter requesting that the DOT OIG provide information on the status of open audit recommendations.  Specifically, he requested the number of open recommendations; estimated cost savings associated with open recommendations; our top three open recommendations; and the number of recommendations that have been implemented since January 5, 2009. 

As of April 6, 2010, we identified 341 open recommendations, included in 107 audit reports.  Of the 341 open recommendations, 45 recommendations, that were included in 33 reports, carry an estimated monetary benefit or cost savings. We determined the three most important recommendations based on whether the recommendation will lead to a significant impact on safety, a significant financial benefit, or a significant improvement in the economy or efficiency of the program audited.  Lastly, between January 5, 2009 and April 6, 2010, we have closed 424 recommendations that were contained in 173 audit reports.