62 FR 14334 - Final Rule
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Mar 26, 1997
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HM-181H; TITLE:"Performance-Oriented Packaging Standards; Final Transitional Provisions; Revisions and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration"

SUMMARY: On September 26, 1996, RSPA published a final rule which amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations to incorporate a number of changes based on rulemaking petitions from industry, RSPA initiatives and comments received at public meetings, to the classification of certain hazardous materials which are poisonous by inhalation and to provisions for the manufacture, use, and reuse of hazardous materials packagings. The intended effect of the September 26, 1996 rule is to improve safety, reduce compliance costs to offerors and transporters of hazardous materials, make the regulations easier to use and correct or the long term comparable to that provided by its long-standing regulation. At the same time, the Agency is also seeking comments on the costs and benefits of the interim measures adopted in this rule.

A public meeting is scheduled for March 20, 1997, to receive comments and recommendations in regard to the measures adopted in this interim final rule and to solicit recommendations for a permanent solution. Additionally, two workshops have been scheduled for March 4- 5, 1997 and April 8-9, 1997. All interested persons, including trade organizations, cargo tank producers, individual wholesale and retail entities involved in the distribution of liquefied compressed gases and representatives of public protection organizations, are encouraged to participate.

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