65 FR 7297 - Final Rule
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Feb 14, 2000
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Hazardous Materials Transportation; Registration and Fee Assessment Program

SUMMARY: This final rule amends the statutorily mandated registration and fee assessment program for persons who transport or offer for transportation certain categories and quantities of hazardous materials. In this final rule, RSPA is: (1) Expanding the criteria for those persons required to register to include all persons who offer for transportation or transport hazardous materials that require placarding (except for those activities of farmers directly in support of farming operations); (2) Adopting a two-tiered fee schedule--$300 for those registrants meeting the U.S. Small Business Administration criteria for defining a small business and $2,000 for all other registrants; and (3) Permitting registration for one, two, or three years on a single registration statement. This final rule is intended to increase funding for the national Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness grants program.

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