78 FR 65453 - Final Rule
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Oct 31, 2013
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PHMSA-2013-0041 (HM-215K, HM-215L, HM-218G and HM-219): Hazardous Materials: Corrections and Response to Administrative Appeals

SUMMARY: This final rule corrects editorial errors and amends certain requirements in response to administrative appeals submitted by persons affected by certain final rules published in the Federal Register.

DATES: Effective date: The effective date of this document is October 31, 2013. Voluntary compliance date: PHMSA is authorizing voluntary compliance beginning October 31, 2013. Delayed compliance date: Unless otherwise specified, compliance with the amendments adopted in this final rule is required beginning January 1, 2014. Incorporation by reference date: The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in this rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of October 31, 2013.