71 FR 51122 - Final Rule
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Aug 29, 2006
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PHMSA-03-14405 (HM-220F); Hazardous Materials: Aluminum Cylinders Manufactured of Aluminum Alloy 6351-T6 Used in SCUBA, SCBA, and Oxygen Services--Revised Requalification and Use Criteria; Effective Date 1/1/2007.

SUMMARY: This final rule revises the Hazardous Materials Regulations to address a known safety problem with cylinders manufactured of aluminum alloy 6351-T6. The revisions include an inspection and testing program for early detection of sustained load cracking on cylinders manufactured of aluminum alloy 6351-T6 and used in self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and oxygen services.

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