64 FR 45387 - Final Rule
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Aug 19, 1999
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Hazardous Materials: Chemical Oxidizers and Compressed Oxygen Aboard Aircraft

SUMMARY: RSPA is amending the Hazardous Materials Regulations to: Prohibit the carriage of chemical oxidizers in inaccessible aircraft cargo compartments that do not have a fire or smoke detection and fire suppression system; require oxygen cylinders to be placed in an outer packaging when transported aboard aircraft; limit the number of oxygen cylinders that may be stowed on an aircraft in inaccessible cargo compartments that do not have a fire or smoke detection system and a fire suppression system (e.g., a Class D cargo compartment); limit the number of oxygen cylinders that may be stowed in a Class B cargo compartment or its equivalent (i.e., an accessible cargo compartment equipped with a fire or smoke detection system but not a fire suppression system); authorize transportation of a limited number of oxygen cylinders in the passenger cabin of passenger-carrying aircraft; and prohibit the carriage of personal-use chemical oxygen generators on passenger-carrying aircraft and the carriage of spent chemical oxygen generators on both passenger-carrying and cargo aircraft.

This final rule is being issued in consultation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to enhance air transportation safety.

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