64 FR 51719 - Final Rule
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Sep 24, 1999
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Hazardous Materials: Limited Extension of Requirements for Labeling Materials Poisonous by Inhalation (PIH)

SUMMARY: On September 16, 1999, RSPA published an interim final rule which provided a limited exception, until October 1, 2001, from requirements to place the new POISON INHALATION HAZARD or POISON GAS labels on packages that are intended for transportation in international commerce. The exception applies only to Division 2.3 materials and Division 6.1 liquids in Hazard Zone A or B that are loaded into a freight container or closed transport vehicle that is placarded and marked with the identification number, as currently required for those materials. This final rule corrects an inadvertent error in the section on Canadian shipments and packagings which, as published, would only provide relief for shipments of PIH materials transported from Canada.

As modified in this correction, the September 16, 1999 interim final rule is revised to provide for the transportation of packages containing PIH materials between the U.S. and Canada in conformance with the TDG labeling requirements.

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