62 FR 49559 - Final Rule
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Sep 22, 1997
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Hazardous Materials in Intrastate Commerce; Delay of Compliance Date, Technical Amendments, Corrections and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration

SUMMARY: On January 8, 1997, RSPA published a final rule which amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) to expand the scope of the regulations to intrastate transportation of hazardous materials. The intended effect of the January 8, 1997 rule is to raise the level of safety in the transportation of hazardous materials by applying a uniform system of safety regulations to all hazardous materials transported in commerce throughout the United States. In this final rule, RSPA is providing one additional year, until October 1, 1998, for compliance, responding to petitions for reconsideration and correcting errors in the January 8, 1997 final rule. The minor editorial changes made by this final rule will not impose any new requirements on persons subject to the HMR.

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