62 FR 65187 - Final Rule
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Dec 10, 1997
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Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles in Liquefied Compressed Gas Service; Response To Petitions for Reconsideration; Editorial Revisions; and Rules Clarification

SUMMARY: On August 18, 1997, RSPA published a final rule adopting certain safety standards applicable to cargo tank motor vehicles in liquefied compressed gas service. In response to petitions for reconsideration filed by Farmland Industries, Inc. (Farmland), The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. (AmeriGas), RSPA is revising a requirement concerning the daily pressure testing of transfer hoses on these cargo tank motor vehicles, and the agency is revising Sec. 171.5(a) for consistency with Sec. 178.337-11(a)(1)(i) by removing a hose rupture (i.e., incomplete separation) as a condition that causes the internal self-closing stop valve to function. This action grants certain petitions for reconsideration of the final rule pertaining to effective and practical standards to assure the integrity of transfer hoses used in unloading operations. Also, in this final rule, RSPA is granting the request by Farmland and TFI to extend the expiration of the final rule requirements for four months, to July 1, 1999. RSPA is denying the request by AmeriGas for an immediate stay of the provisions of Sec. 171.5(a)(1)(iii) and the AmeriGas request for reconsideration of: The provision in Sec. 171.5(c) setting forth an expiration date for the final rule requirements; and RSPA's interpretation of the attendance requirements in Sec. 177.834(i) that a qualified person must always maintain an unobstructed view of the cargo tank. Additionally, this action makes editorial revisions and clarifies certain provisions adopted in the final rule.

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