75 FR 5376 - Final Rule
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Feb 2, 2010
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PHMSA-06-25736 (HM-231): Hazardous Material; Miscellaneous Packaging Amendments; Final rule.


A final rule, entitled "Miscellaneous Packaging Amendments," under Docket No. PHMSA-06-25736 (HM-231), will be published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, February 2, 2010. The rulemaking amends the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180) by revising several packaging related definitions; adding provisions to allow more flexibility when preparing and transmitting closure instructions, including electronically; adding a requirement for shippers to retain packaging closure instructions; incorporating new language that will allow for a practicable means of stenciling the "UN" symbol on packagings; adding requirements for the construction, maintenance, and use of Large Packagings; and clarifying a requirement to document the methodology used when determining whether a change in packaging configuration requires retesting as a new design or may be considered a variation of a previously tested design. The effective date for the final rule is October 1, 2010.